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CP/RES. 824 (1337/02)
25 September 2002
Original: Spanish

CP/RES. 824 (1337/02)




That the Charter of the Organization of American States recognizes that representative democracy is indispensable for the stability, peace, and development of the region, and that one of the purposes of the OAS is to promote and consolidate representative democracy, with due respect for the principle of nonintervention;

That the separation of powers and independence of the branches of government are essential elements of representative democracy;

That transparency in government activities, probity, and responsible public administration on the part of governments are essential components of the exercise of democracy, as stipulated in the Inter-American Democratic Charter;

That the Inter-American Convention against Corruption constitutes an appropriate and effective instrument at the disposal of the member states of the Organization to enable them to combat the scourge of corruption with the utmost resolve;

That corruption undermines the legitimacy of public institutions and is detrimental to society, governance, the rule of law, the exercise of democracy, and the integral development of peoples;

HAVING HEARD the presentation by the Permanent Representative of Nicaragua to the Organization of American States regarding his Government's efforts to combat corruption and its request for support of Nicaragua's efforts to guarantee representative democracy and the rule of law, in the spirit of the Inter-American Democratic Charter; and

AWARE that the Government of Nicaragua has publicly denounced alleged acts of corruption committed by persons in the exercise of public office, maintaining that those acts have wrought grave damage to the normal course of economic and institutional life in Nicaraguan society,


1.     To reiterate that the fight against corruption is an essential component of the exercise of democracy, the consolidation of institutions, and the strengthening of the rule of law.

2.     To express the support of member states for the efforts and actions being undertaken by the Government of Nicaragua to combat acts of corruption.

3.     To urge member states to offer the Government of Nicaragua their full cooperation and assistance, in accordance with their laws and applicable treaties, in the investigation and prosecution of acts of corruption.

4.     To urge the international community and international financial institutions to support the Government of Nicaragua in its efforts to govern effectively, in accordance with the principles contained in the Inter-American Democratic Charter and the obligations established in the Inter-American Convention against Corruption.

5.     To urge the Government of Nicaragua and all sectors of Nicaraguan society to work together to fight corruption and ensure good governance, with full respect for the democratic order, the constitutional framework, and the rule of law.



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