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CP/DEC. 30 (1528/06)
10 February 2006
Original:  Spanish

CP/DEC. 30 (1528/06)


 (Adopted at its session held on February 10, 2006)

The Permanent Council of the Organization of American States congratulates the nation of Haiti for an outstanding display of patriotism and civic duty during the general elections which were held peacefully on February 7, 2006.

The Permanent Council congratulates the Interim Government of Haiti, the Provisional Electoral Council of Haiti (CEP), and its Director General for overcoming logistical, infrastructural, and other obstacles in order that the citizens of Haiti might exercise their right to universal suffrage and express their democratic will for the formation of the next government. Very large numbers of citizens lined up to vote in the pre-dawn darkness, and remained patiently in line, in some cases for hours, in order to exercise their right to vote.

The Council notes that there were no major security problems during the elections, thanks to the efforts of the Haitian National Police and the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), and because of the great will of the Haitian people to vote in peace.

The Permanent Council urges the General Secretariat of the OAS to continue providing expert technical assistance to the CEP to help correct the problems that surfaced during the first round and to guarantee the success of the second round of the elections, which will be held on March 19, 2006.

The Permanent Council calls on all political actors, civil society, and the citizenry in general to respect the outcome of the elections. It calls upon the next government of Haiti to promote a climate of national reconciliation and dialogue by reaching out to all political sectors in an effort to construct the institutions necessary for the democratic development of the country and for the normalization of Haiti’s international relations.

The Permanent Council understands that free and fair elections are but a first step towards strengthening democracy and the rule of law and promoting economic development in Haiti. It urges the international community to work with the new government on a long-term plan for economic, social, and political development of the country. The international community, at the request of the democratically elected government of Haiti, must be ready to maintain its presence in Haiti as long as that government considers it necessary. The Council also wishes to congratulate the members of the OAS Electoral Mission in Haiti, the OAS Special Mission in Haiti, and the MINUSTAH for their tireless support to the Interim Government and the CEP.

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