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Work Plan

2015 - 2016

Work Plan of the CAAP for the Term: August 2015 to May 2015 (Document prepared by the Chair) CP/CAAP-3363/15

  • Calendar of Meetings of the CAAP and its Working Groups for the period September - December 2015 add. 1 rev. 3

2014 - 2015

Calendar of meeting of the CAAP and its Working Groups (November 2014 to June 2015) CP/CAAP-3333/14 rev. 2

Work Plan of the CAAP August 2014 to May 2015 (Adopted at the meeting on August 21, 2014)  CP/CAAP-3316/14 rev. 1

Calendar of meeting of the CAAP and its Working Groups CP/CAAP-3307/14 rev. 12

2013 - 2014

Work Plan of the CAAP July 2012-May 2014 (Approved at the meeting held on August 13, 2013) CP/CAAP-3249/13 rev. 2

Calendar of meeting of the CAAP and its working groups CP/CAAP-3254/13 rev. 13

Consolidated Schedule of Meetings of the CAAP and of the Working Group on the Review of OAS Programs (December 2013 to June 2014) CP/CAAP-3275/13 rev. 25

2012 - 2013

Consolidated schedule of meetings of the CAAP and of the working group on the review of OAS programs (April 2013 to December 2013) CP/CAAP-3203/13 rev. 15

Calendar of meeting of the CAAP and its working groups CP/CAAP-3184/12 rev. 10

Draft Work Plan of the CAAP September 2012-May 2013 CP/CAAP-3182/12 rev. 3


Consolidated Schedule of Meetings of the CAAP and of the working group on the review of OAS programs (May and June 2012) CP/CAAP-3147/11 rev. 19

Work Plan of the CAAP July 2011 – May 2012 CP/CAAP-3120/11 rev. 9


Consolidated Schedule of Meetings of the CAAP and of the working group on the review of OAS programs (May 2011) CP/CAAP-3080/10 rev. 13

Draft Work Plan of the CAAP July 2010 – May 2011 CP/CAAP-3066/10 rev. 2


Consolidated Schedule of Meetings of the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs (CAAP) and of the CAAP Working Group on the review of OAS programs (CAAP/GT/RVPP) January – May 2010
CP/CAAP-3042/10 rev. 4

Schedule for Presentation of Reports to the CAAP [Pursuant to resolution AG/RES. 1 (XXXVIII-E/09)] CP/CAAP-3037/09 rev. 1

Work plan of the CAAP July 2009 – May 2010 (Adopted at the meeting of August 11, 2009) CP/CAAP-3016/09 rev. 2

  • Schedule of meetings of the CAAP and its working groups  in preparation for the special session  of the General Assembly to consider and approve the program-budget for 2010 [To be held on September 30, 2009, pursuant to resolution CP/RES. 946 (1682/09)] CP/CAAP-3016/09 add. 1 rev. 4


CAAP Work Plan for OAS program review
CP/CAAP-2988/09 rev. 3

  • CAAP Work Plan for OAS Program Review 2009 – 2011 CP/CAAP-2988/09   corr. 1 add. 1

Schedule of meeting and work agenda of CAAP  for February to May 2008 CP/CAAP-2945/08 rev. 1


Work Plan July 2007 – May 2008 CP/CAAP-2919/07


Work Plan 2006-2007 (Approved by the Committee on Adminstrative and Budgetary Affairs
at its meeting held on September 28, 2006) CP/CAAP-2851/06 rev. 1

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