

Working Group to Prepare the Draft Resolution on the Program-Budget for 2011


Chair: Dra. Nicola Virgill-Rolle
         Alternate representative of Bahamas

Vice Chair:



Draft resolution Program-Budget of the Regular Fund of the Organization for 2011 and Contributions to FEMCIDI (Presented by the Chair of the Working Group to Prepare the Draft Resolution on the Program Budget 2011)  CAAP/GT/RPP 2-10 rev. 6

  • Explanatory table of the proposed changes and modifications to the proposed draft resolution for the 2011 Program-Budget of the Organization CAAP/GT/RPP 2-10 add. 1 rev. 1

Overview of the 2011 Programme Budget Resolution (Presented by the Chair of the Working Group during the meeting of September 14, 2010)  CAAP/GT/RPP 4-10


Proposals submitted by the delegations on the draft resolution “Program-Budget of the Regular Fund of the Organization for 2011 and contributions to FEMCIDI” (Proposals presented at the meeting of the Working Group held on September 14, 2010) CAAP/GT/RPP 5-10


List of reports included in the proposed Draft Budget Resolution for the Organization's 2011 Program-Budget CAAP/GT/RPP 7-10 rev. 1


Report of the Chair of the Working Group to Prepare the Draft Resolution on the Program-Budget for 2011 (Presented by the Chair of the Working Group at the CAAP meeting of September 28, 2010)  CAAP/GT/RPP 12-10


Order of business
27 September 2010

24 September 2010

23 September 2010

21 September 2010

16 September 2010

14 September 2010

10 September 2010



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