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Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure
- Forty-First Regular Session - El Salvador 2011


Preliminary Draft Agenda for the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly (Agreed upon by the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure at its meeting on April 18, 2011) AG/CP/SUB.TP-204/11 rev. 3

  • Preliminary Draft annotated agenda for the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly AG/CP/SUB.TP-204/11 add. 1

Note from the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) requesting the inclusion of a presentation by the President of the CIM to the Plenary of the General Assembly at its Forty-First Regular Session AG/CP/SUB.TP-206/11


Note from the Permanent Mission of Mexico requesting inclusion of the item “Sixteenth Pan American Games, Guadalajara 2011” on the preliminary draft agenda and schedule for the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly AG/CP/SUB.TP-207/11


Dialogue of Heads of Delegation with Civil Society Representatives on the theme of the General Assembly “Citizen Security in the Americas” AG/CP/SUB.TP-210/11 rev. 1


Dialogue between the Heads of Delegation, the OAS Secretary General and the Heads of Delegation of the Permanent Observer Countries on the theme of the General Assembly “Citizen Security in the Americas” AG/CP/SUB.TP-211/11 rev. 1


Dialogue of Heads of Delegation and Workers’ Representatives on the theme of the General Assembly, “Citizen Security in the Americas” AG/CP/SUB.TP-212/11 rev. 1


Dialogue Among the Heads of Delegation, the OAS Secretary General and Private Sector representatives on the General Assembly Topic “Citizen Security in the Americas” AG/CP/SUB.TP-213/11 rev. 1


Note from the Permanent Mission of Guatemala requesting inclusion of the topic “Conference in Support of the Central American Security Strategy” on the preliminary draft agenda and schedule of the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly AG/CP/SUB.TP-214/11


Note from the Permanent Mission of Antigua and Barbuda requesting inclusion of the item -The Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact of Climate Change on the Countries of the Hemisphere- on the preliminary draft agenda and schedule for the forty-first regular session of the General Assembly AG/CP/SUB.TP-215/11


Note from the Permanent Mission of the United States requesting inclusion of the item -Promotion of the Rights to Freedom of Assembly and of Association in the Americas- on the preliminary draft agenda and schedule for the forty-first regular session of the General Assembly AG/CP/SUB.TP-216/11


Note from the Chair of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) requesting the inclusion of a statement by the Chair of CICAD to the Plenary of the General Assembly at its Forty-First Regular Session  AG/CP/SUB.TP-217/11


Note of the Permanent Mission of Canada requesting inclusion of items -Admendment to Articles 20 and 44 of the General Standards to Govern the Operations of the General Secretariat: Suspension of the Competition Requirement- and -Admendment to the resolution AG/RES. 1757 (XXX-O/00) Measures to Encourage the Timely Payment of Quotas- on the preliminary draft agenda and schedule for the forty-first regular session of the General Assembly AG/CP/SUB.TP-218/11


Dialogue Between Workers’ Representatives and the Heads of Delegation and the Secretary General during the Forty-First Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly (Document prepared by the Department of Social Development and Employment) AG/CP/SUB.TP-219/11


Descriptive document of the Dialogue of Heads of Delegation with Representatives of Civil Society on the theme of the General Assembly, “Citizen Security in the Americas” during the Forty-First Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly (Prepared by the Department of International Relations) AG/CP/SUB.TP-220/11


Descriptive document of the dialogue of the Heads of Delegation, the Secretary General of the OAS, and the Heads of Delegation of the Permanent Observer Countries on the theme of the General Assembly, “Citizen Security in the Americas” (Prepared by the Department of International Relations) AG/CP/SUB.TP-221/11


Note from the Chair of the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI) regarding the topics that the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) will recommend to the General Assembly at its Forty-First Regular Session AG/CP/SUB.TP-222/11


Preliminary Draft Schedule (Agreed upon by the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure at its meeting of April 18, 2011) AG/CP/SUB.TP-225/11 rev. 1


Preliminary draft schedule for the dialogues of Heads of Delegation and the Secretary General AG/CP/SUB.TP-226/11


Note from the Permanent Mission of El Salvador requesting inclusion of the topic “Importance of the Creation of National Csirts and of Cooperation by the OAS Member States on Cybersecurity Matters” on the draft preliminary agenda of the Forty-first Regular Session of the General Assembly AG/CP/SUB.TP-227/11


Report of the Chair of the Subcommittee on agenda and procedure of the Preparatory Committee of the General Assembly AG/CP/SUB.TP-228/11

Orders of business

18 April 2011

13 April 2011

6 April 2011

Summary of Meetings

13 April 2011

6 April 2011

16 April 2011

12 April 2011


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