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Preparatory Committee of the General Assembly
- Thirty-eight Regular Session - Colombia 2008


Chair – The Chair of the Permanent Council
Vice Chair – The Vice Chair of the Permanent Council


Draft Schedule of the thirty-eighth regular session of the general assembly AG/CP/doc. 745/08 rev. 2

Draft Agenda for the thirty-eighth regular session of the General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 746/08 rev. 2

Presentation on the proposed Program-Budget of the Organization of American States for 2009 Message from the Secretary General AG/CP/INF. 573/08 corr.2

Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil requesting the inclusion of a topic on the agenda for the thirty-eighth regular session of the General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 747/08

Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Draft Agenda for the Thirty-Eighth Regular Session  of the General Assembly (Considered by the Preparatory Committee  at its meeting of April 23, 2008) AG/CP/doc. 748/08

  • Draft Annotated Agenda for the thirty-eighth regular session of the General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 748/08 add. 1

Agenda  Dialogue of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and workers’ representatives in the framework of the XXXVIII General Assembly of the OAS AG/CP/doc. 749/08

Nota da Missão Permanente de El Salvador solicitando a retirada do tema “Juventude e Desenvolvimento” do projeto de agenda do trigésimo oitavo período ordinário de sessões da Assembléia Geral AG/CP/doc. 750/08

Draft resolution Voluntary contributions for the operations of the Oliver Jackman Fund to finance the Inter-American Human Rights System (Approved by the Preparatory Committee at its meeting of May 21, 2008) AG/CP/doc. 751/08

Draft resolution Guidelines for the Program-Budget of the Organization for 2009 (Approved by the Preparatory Committee at its meeting of May 21, 2008) AG/CP/doc. 752/08

Presentation by the Chair of the Subcommittee on Administrative and Budgetary Matters of the Preparatory Committee of the General Assembly on the Proposed Program-Budget for 2009 AG/CP/doc. 753/08


Orders of business
21 May 2008
12 May 2008
23 April 2008
1 April 2008
25 March 2008

23 January 2008

29 February 2008



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