Working Group to consider the Draft Declaration of
Asunción "Development with Social Inclusion"
- Forty-fourth Regular Session - Paraguay 2014
Chair – Ambassador Elisa Ruiz Diaz Bareiro
Representative of Paraguay
Draft Declaration of Asunción
for the Forty-fourth regular session of the OAS General Assembly "Development
with Social Inclusion" (Presented by the Permanent Mission of Paraguay
CP/doc.4979/14 corr. 1
Working Procedures and Calendar (Adopted by the
Working Group at its meeting of April 2, 2014)
AG/CP/GT/DAD-1/14 rev. 3
Document Inf.
Orders of business
16 May 2014
15 May 2014
13 May 2014
8 and 9 May 2014
29 April 2014
24 April 2014
10 April 2014
2 April 2014