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Working Group to consider the Draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala "For a Comprehensive Policy to Fight Drugs in the Americas" 
- Forty-Third Regular Session - Guatemala 2013


Chair – Ambassador José Rodrigo Vielmann de León

           Permanent Representative of Guatemala


Note from the Permanent Mission of Guatemala transmitting the draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala "Toward a Comprehensive Anti-Drug Policy in the Americas” AG/CP/GT/DAG-1/13 corr. 2

Work Plan and Working Methods for the Working Group to consider the draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala "Toward a Comprehensive Anti-Drug Policy in the Americas” (Adopted by the Working Group at the meeting held on April 12, 2013) AG/CP/GT/DAG-2/13 rev. 1

Comments from the Permanent Mission of El Salvador transmitting the draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala "Toward a Comprehensive Anti-Drug Policy in the Americas” AG/CP/GT/DAG-4/13

Comments from the Permanent Mission of Argentina on the draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala "Toward a Comprehensive Anti-Drug Policy in the Americas” AG/CP/GT/DAG-5/13

Comments, additions, and suggestions from the Permanent Mission of Uruguay on the draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala "For a Comprehensive Policy to Fight Drugs in the Americas” AG/CP/GT/DAG-6/13

Comments by the Permanent Mission of Canada on the draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala "Toward a Comprehensive Anti-Drug Policy in the Americas” AG/CP/GT/DAG-7/13

Proposals of the Delegation of the United States for the draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala "Toward a Comprehensive Anti-Drug Policy in the Americas” AG/CP/GT/DAG-8/13

Preliminary observations of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on the draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala "Toward a Comprehensive Anti-Drug Policy in the Americas” AG/CP/GT/DAG-9/13

Proposals from the Permanent Mission of Chile on the draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala "Toward a Comprehensive Anti-Drug Policy in the Americas” AG/CP/GT/DAG-10/13

Proposals of the Plurinational State of Bolivia for the draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala "Toward a Comprehensive Anti-Drug Policy in the Americas” AG/CP/GT/DAG-11/13

Comments and suggestions by the Permanent Mission of Ecuador on the draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala "Toward a Comprehensive Anti-Drug Policy in the Americas” AG/CP/GT/DAG-12/13

Table containing the positions presented by the Delegations on the draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala "Toward a Comprehensive Anti-Drugs Policy in the Americas" (Positions presented as of April 23. 2013) AG/CP/GT/DAG-14/13

Suggestions by the Permanent Mission of Haiti on the Draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala “For A Comprehensive Policy to Fight Drugs in the Americas” AG/CP/GT/DAG-15/13

Proposal Chair of the Working Group to Consider the Draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala “For A Comprehensive Policy to Fight Drugs in the Americas” Operative paragraphs AG/CP/GT/DAG-17/13

Draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala “For A Comprehensive Policy against the World Drug Problem in the Americas" Working document compiling the proposals presented by the Delegation of Guatemala, the comments submitted in writing by the delegations by April 26, 2013, and consolidated texts prepared by the Chair based on written comments and discussions held on April 19, 26, 29, May 3, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16 17 and 21, 2013 AG/CP/GT/DAG-18/13 rev. 8

Proposal from the Permanent Mission of Peru for the Draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala “For A Comprehensive Policy to Fight Drugs in the Americas” AG/CP/GT/DAG-21/13

Proposal from the Permanent Mission of El Salvador for declarative paragraph 19 of the Draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala “For A Comprehensive Policy to Fight Drugs in the Americas” AG/CP/GT/DAG-25/13

Proposal by the Permanent Missions of El Salvador and Guatemala for operative paragraph 11 bis of the draft Declaration of Antigua Guatemala, “For a Comprehensive Policy to Fight Drugs in the Americas” AG/CP/GT/DAG-28/13


Document Inf.



Orders of business

22 May 2013

21 May 2013
17 May 2013

16 May 2013

15 May 2013

13 May 2013

10 May 2013

8 May 2013

3 May 2013

29 April 2013

26 April 2013



21 May 2013

15 May 2013

9 May 2013

6 May 2013

1 May 2013

29 April 2013

11 April 2013

2 April 2013



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