Working Group to Consider the Draft Declaration and
Plan of Action of San Salvador on Citizen Security
of the Americas
- Forty-First Regular Session -
El Salvador 2011
Chair – El Salvador
Working Procedure of the Working group to consider
the Draft Declaration and Plan of Action of San Salvador on Citizen Security
in the Americas” (Adopted by the Working Group on April 5, 2011)
AG/CP/GTDSS- 4/11 corr. 1
Draft declaration of San Salvador on Citizen Security
in the Americas (ad referendum of the Delegation of Mexico)
AG/CP/GTDSS-6/11 rev. 7 corr.
Note from the Permanent Mission of Panama requesting the inclusion of a
paragraph in the Draft declaration and Plan of Action of San Salvador on
Citizen Security in the Americas
The Concepts of Public Security and Citizen
Security in the OAS Context Document prepared by the Secretariat for
Multidimensional Security
Document Inf.
Draft declaration and Plan of Action of San
Salvador on Citizen Security in the Americas Document linking the proposed
Plan of Action presented by the Delegation of El Salvador to mandates
contained in Declarations and Resolutions of the Inter-American System
(Prepared by the Secretariat for Multidimensional Security)
Presentation of the Delegation of El Salvador on
the Draft declaration and Plan of Action of San Salvador on Citizen Security
in the Americas (Remarks by Minister Counselor Agustín Vásquez Gómez,
Alternate Representative of the Permanent Mission of El Salvador at the
First Meeting of the Working Group, April 5, 2011)
Orders of business
5 April 2011
6 May 2011
3 May 2011
3 May 2011
27 April 2011
20 April 2011
18 April 2011
11 April 2011
4 April 2011
1 April 2011