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Preparatory Committee of the General Assembly
- Thirty-ninth Regular Session - Honduras 2009


Chair – The Chair of the Permanent Council
Vice Chair – The Vice Chair of the Permanent Council

Orders of business
6 May 2009

7 April 2009
8 December 2008


Note from the Permanent Mission of Canada requesting the re-introduction of the item “Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hemisphere” on the Agenda of the General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 756/09

Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Draft Agenda for the Thirty-Ninth Regular Session of the General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 757/09 rev. 1

Draft Annotated Agenda for the thirty-ninth regular session of the General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 758/09 rev. 1

Draft Schedule of the Thirty-Ninth Regular Session of the General Assembly (Considered by the Preparatory Committee, at its meeting held on April 7, 2009 and modified at its meeting held May 6, 2009) AG/CP/doc. 759/09 rev. 1

Draft Schedule of the Dialogues of Heads of Delegation (Considered by the Preparatory Committee, at its meeting held on April 7, 2009) AG/CP/doc. 760/09

Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Agreements Adopted for the Thirty-Ninth Regular Session of the General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 761/09

Note from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Requesting Inclusion of the Topic “Unemployment in the Americas” on the Agenda of the General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 762/09

Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela requesting removal of the item “Unemployment in the Americas” from the agenda of the Thirty-Ninth Regular Session
of the General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 763/09

Note from the Permanent Mission of Antigua and Barbuda requesting the inclusion of the topic -The Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact of Climate change on the Countries of the Hemisphere- on the draft schedule for the thirty-ninth regular session of the OAS General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 764/09

Note from the Permanent Mission of Chile requesting inclusion of the topic “Human Rights and the Elderly” on the agenda of the General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 765/09

Note from the Permanent Mission of el Salvador requesting inclusion of the item “Consumer Protection” on the Draft  Agenda of the General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 766/09

Note from the Permanent Mission of Chile requesting inclusion of the topic “Strengthening the Activities of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas” on the Draft Agenda for the General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 767/09

Note from the Permanent Mission of Chile requesting a change in the title of an item on the draft agenda of the General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 768/09

Note from the Permanent Mission of Mexico requesting inclusion of the item “Hemispheric Cooperation to Prepare for and Respond to Communicable Diseases, including the a (H1N1) Influenza” on the draft agenda of the General Assembly AG/CP/doc. 769/09

Record of Meetings
6 May 2009
7 April 2009
8 December 2008

12 May 2009
30 March 2009



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