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Preparatory Committee of the General Assembly

Documents for the Forty-sixth Special Session of the General Assembly -
Guatemala September 19, 2014

Notice of Convocation





Agenda for the Forty-sixth special session (Approved at the first plenary session, held on September 19, 2014) AG/doc.1 (XLVI-E/14) rev. 1




Schedule for the Forty-sixth special session (Approved at the first plenary session, held on September 19, 2014) AG/doc.2 (XLVI-E/14) rev. 1


Order of Precedence 


Order of precedence of the Delegations (Established by lot at the Preparatory Committee meeting held on July 16, 2014) AG/doc.3 (XLVI-E/14)


Order of precedence of the Permanent Observers (Established by lot at the Preparatory Committee meeting held on July 16, 2014) AG/doc.4 (XLVI-E/14)




Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Agreements reached for the Forty-sixth special session of the General Assembly AG/doc.6 (XLVI-E/14)


Report of the Secretary General on Follow-up to the Declaration of Antigua Guatemala special session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States Guatemala City September 19, 2014 AG/doc.7 (XLVI-E/14)


Report of the Secretary General on the presentation of credentials of the delegations taking part in the Forty-sixth special session of the General Assembly AG/doc.8 (XLVI-E/14)





Draft resolution Reflections and Guidelines to formulate and follow up on comprehensive policies to address the world drug problem in the Americas (Considered by the Permanent Council at its meeting held on September 15, 2014, and referred to the General Assembly) AG/doc.5 (XLVI-E/14)

Lista de Participantes/List of Participants AG/doc.9 (XLVI-E/14) rev. 1

Lista de documentos registrados por la Secretaría hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2014 AG/doc.10 (XLVI-E/14)

Draft resolution Vote of thanks to the people and Government of the Republic of Guatemala (Presented by the delegation of Colombia) AG/doc.11 (XLVI-E/14)

Authorities of the Assembly AG/doc.12 (XLVI-E/14)



Reflections and Guidelines to Formulate and Follow up on Comprehensive Policies to address the World Drug Problem in the Americas (Adopted at the first plenary session held on September 19, 2014, and reviewed by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 1 ((XLVI-E/14) rev. 1


Vote of thanks to the people and Government of the Republic of Guatemala (Adopted at the second plenary session held on September 19, 2014, and reviewed by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 2 ((XLVI-E/14) rev. 1


Documents Informative

Contest “The Voice of the Youth of the Americas: Preventing and Reducing the Harm caused by Drugs” Progress report on the convocation As of September 10, 2014 AG/INF. 1 (XLVI-E/14)

National Drug Control Strategy (Document distributed at the request of the United States delegation) AG/INF. 2 (XLVI-E/14)

Report of the Inter-American Juridical Committee “Alternatives for regulating the use of psychotropic and narcotic substances as well as for preventing drug addiction” AG/INF. 3 (XLVI-E/14)


Message by H.E. Ambassador Khaled Abdel-Rahman Shamaa, Chairperson of the 57th session of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs AG/INF. 5 (XLVI-E/14)

Speech by the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Mr. José Miguel Insulza, during the first plenary session of the Forty-sixth special session of the General Assembly AG/INF. 6 (XLVI-E/14)

Address by the President of the Republic of Guatemala, His Excellency Otto Pérez Molina at the inaugural session of of the Forty-sixth special session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) September 19, 2014 AG/INF. 7 (XLVI-E/14)

Discurso del Jefe de Delegación Representante Permanente de Chile, Embajador Juan Pablo Lira, pronunciado en el cuadragésimo sexto período extraordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General 19 de septiembre de 2014 AG/INF. 8 (XLVI-E/14)
Discurso del Jefe de Delegación y Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores del Perú, Embajador Gonzalo Gutiérrez Reinel, pronunciado en el cuadragésimo sexto período extraordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General 19 de septiembre de 2014 AG/INF. 9 (XLVI-E/14)

Discurso del Jefe de Delegación y Vice-Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de El Salvador, Carlos Castaneda pronunciado en el cuadragésimo sexto período extraordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General 19 septiembre de 2014 AG/INF. 10 (XLVI-E/14)

Allocution prononcée par l'Ambassadeur Duly Brutus, Chef de Délégation et Ministre des Affaires Étrangères D'haïti, à l'occasion de la quarante-sixième session extraordinaire de L'assemblée Générale 19 septembre 2014 AG/INF. 11 (XLVI-E/14)

Remarks by the Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement and Head of the Delegation of the United States, Mr. William Brownfield at the forty-sixth special session of the General Assembly September 19, 2014 AG/INF. 12 (XLVI-E/14)

Discurso del Embajador Jose María Argueta Cifuentes en ocasión del cuadragésimo sexto período extraordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General de la OEA 19 de septiembre de 2014 AG/INF. 13 (XLVI-E/14)

Remarks by Ambassador Hubert Charles, Head of Delegation and Permanent Representative of The Commonwealth of Dominica to the OAS at the Forty-sixth special session of the General Assembly September 19, 2014 AG/INF. 14 (XLVI-E/14)

Discurso del Jefe de Delegación y Secretario de Programación para la Prevención de la Drogadicción y la Lucha contra el Narcotráfico (SEDRONAR) de la República Argentina, señor Juan Carlos Molina, pronunciado en el cuadragésimo sexto período extraordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General 19 de septiembre de 2014 AG/INF. 15 (XLVI-E/14) rev. 1

Address by the Head of Delegation and Senator of Trinidad and Tobago the Honourable Embau Moheni to the forty-sixth special session of the General Assembly September 19, 2014 AG/INF. 16 (XLVI-E/14)

Statement by Julia Hyatt, Alternate Representative and Head of Delegation of Jamaica to the Forty-sixth special session of the OAS General Assembly September 19, 2014 AG/INF. 17 (XLVI-E/14)

Discurso del Jefe de Delegación y Viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Panamá, señor Luis Miguel Hincapié, pronunciado en el cuadragésimo sexto período extraordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General 19 de septiembre de 2014 AG/INF. 18 (XLVI-E/14)

Statement presented by Her Excellency Ambassador Sonia M. Johnny, Head of Delegation and Permanent Representative of Saint Lucia to the Organization of American States (OAS) on the occasion of the Forty-sixth special session of the OAS General Assembly September 19, 2014 AG/INF. 19 (XLVI-E/14)

Alternativas al tratamiento penal de los delitos relacionados con las drogas [Informe de Avance de la Secretaría Técnica del Grupo de Trabajo de la Comisión Interamericana para el Control del Abuso de Drogas (CICAD)] (Presentado por la Delegación de Colombia en el cuadragésimo sexto período extraordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General) 19 de septiembre de 2014 AG/INF. 20 (XLVI-E/14)

Discurso del Jefe de Delegación y Presidente del Consejo Nacional de Drogas (CND) de la República Dominicana, señor Fidias F. Aristy, pronunciado en el cuadragésimo sexto período extraordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General 19 de septiembre de 2014 AG/INF. 21 (XLVI-E/14)

Discurso del Jefe de Delegación y Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto de Costa Rica, señor Manuel González Sánz, pronunciado en el cuadragésimo sexto período extraordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General 19 septiembre de 2014 AG/INF. 22 (XLVI-E/14)

Discurso del Jefe de Delegación y Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana del Ecuador, señor Ricardo Patiño Aroca, pronunciado en el cuadragésimo sexto período extraordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General 19 septiembre de 2014 AG/INF. 23 (XLVI-E/14)

Statement by Her Excellency Ambassador Niermala Bradising, Head of Delegation and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Suriname to the Organization of American States, on the occasion of the Forty-sixth special session of the General Assembly of the OAS September 19, 2014 AG/INF. 24 (XLVI-E/14)

Statement by Her Excellency Ambassador Jacinth Henry-Martin, Head of Delegation and Permanent Representative of Saint Kitts and Nevis to the Organization of American States, at the Forty-sixth special session of the General Assembly of the OAS September 19, 2014 AG/INF. 25 (XLVI-E/14)

Statement presented by Her Excellency Ambassador La Celia A. Prince, Head of Delegation and Permanent Representative of Saint Vincent and The Grenadines to the Organization of American States (OAS) on the occasion of the Forty-Sixth Special Session of the OAS General Assembly 19th September 2014 AG/INF. 26 (XLVI-E/14)



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