Documents 2010 (CP/INF.)
Note from the Permanent Mission of the United States requesting circulation
of a copy of a letter from Secretaries Hillary Rodham Clinton and Robert
Consolidated Calendar of Conferences and Meetings scheduled from January to
December 2010
CP/INF.5960/10 rev. 6 corr. 2
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru requesting that the item
“Presentation by the Minister of Justice of Peru on the Amendments to the
Rules of Procedure of the IACHR” be withdrawn from the order of business of
the Permanent Council meeting scheduled for January 13, 2010
Report to the Permanent Council by the Chair of the OAS Retirement and
Pension fund Committee on Recent Developments
Note from the Permanent Mission of Chile
requesting inclusion of an item on the Order of Business of the regular
meeting of the Permanent Council to be held on January 27, 2010
Agreement for National Reconciliation and
Strengthening of Democracy in Honduras (Signed by the President of the
Dominican Republic, Leonel Fernández, and the President-Elect of Honduras,
Porfirio Lobo, on January 20, 2010)
Plan for Solidarity Contributions by the
Countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas – peoples' trade
agreement (ALBA-PTA) to the reconstruction efforts of Haiti Emergency
meeting of the Political Council of the ALBA – PTA
A Road Map for Recovery, Stabilization and Development of the Republic of
Haiti and reference documents for the Ministerial Meeting held in Montreal,
Canada on January 25, 2010
Statement by the Chairman of the Haiti
Ministerial Preparatory Conference in Montreal, January 25, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of Panama
requesting the inclusion of a topic on the order of business of the next
regular meeting of the Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent Mission of Bolivia
forwarding the invitation to the “Peoples’ World Conference on Climate
Change and the Rights of Mother Earth”
Note from the Permanent Mission of Canada
requesting the inclusion of the topic -Respect for Freedom of Expression- on
the order of business of the regular meeting of the Permanent Council to be
held on February 3, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
requesting inclusion of the co-sponsorship of the item “Respect for Freedom
of Expression” on the order of business of the regular meeting of the
Permanent Council, to be held on February 3, 2010
Remarks by the Alternate Representative of
Canada before the Permanent Council at the meeting held February 3, 2010 on
agenda item -Respect for Freedom of Expression in the Americas-
United States Government - Progress Report on
the Implementation of the Program of Action for the Decade of the Americas
for the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities (2006-2016) Response
of the United States Government for the OAS Progress Report on the
Implementation of the Program of Action for the Decade of the Americas for
the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities (2006-2016)
Note from the Permanent Mission of Guatemala requesting the convocation of a
Protocolary Meeting of the Permanent Council to receive the President of the
Republic of Guatemala, Mr. Álvaro Colom
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru
requesting inclusion of the item “Presentation by the Minister of Justice of
Peru on the Amendments to the rules of Procedure of the IACHR” on the agenda
of the regular meeting of the Permanent Council to be held on February 17,
Note from the Permanent Mission of the United
States of America requesting the inclusion of the topic -Commemoration of
the Day of the Women of the Americas- on the order of business of the next
regular session of the Permanent Council
“Brain Development and its Influence on Human
Development” Presentation by Dr. J. Fraser Mustard to the Joint Special
Session of the Permanent Council and the Permanent Executive Committee of
the Inter-American Council for Integral Development, February 24, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru
requesting the convening of a Special Meeting of the Permanent Council for
Friday, March 5, 2010
Note from the Inter-American Court of Human
Rights forwarding the “Rules for the Operation of the Victims' Legal
Assistance Fund of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights”
Note from the Permanent Mission of Panama
requesting inclusion of the item “Concern for Political Prisoners and
Prisoners of Conscience” on the order of business of the regular meeting of
the Permanent Council scheduled for March 3, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
requesting the inclusion of the item “Twenty-First Anniversary of the
Caracazo” on agenda of the regular meeting of the Permanent Council to be
held on March 3, 2010
CP/INF.5997/10 rev. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of Panama
Withdrawing its request to include the item “Concern for Political Prisoners
and Prisoners of Conscience” on the order of business of the regular meeting
of the Permanent Council scheduled for March 3, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of Ecuador requesting inclusion of the item
“Ecuadorian Government’s Policy for Indigenous Peoples” on the order of
business of the regular meeting of the Permanent Council to be held on March
3, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of Ecuador,
withdrawing the request for inclusion of the item “Policy of the Government
of Ecuador on Indigenous Peoples” on the order of business of the regular
meeting of the Permanent Council, scheduled for March 3, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru advising
that the Minister of Foreign Affairs has canceled his visit to Washington,
D.C., and withdrawing the request for a Special Meeting of the Permanent
Note from the Permanent Mission of Colombia
requesting the convocation of a Special Meeting of the Permanent Council for
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Presentation by the Secretary General of the
Organization of American States, Mr. José Miguel Insulza, pursuant to the
Permanent Council mandate of February 3, 2010 (Presented to the Permanent
Council on March 3, 2010)
Statement of Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin,
candidate for Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American
States (Presented to the Permanent Council on March 3, 2010)
Presentation by Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director of
the Earth Institute Quetelet, Professor of Sustainable Development,
Professor of Health Policy and Management, of Columbia University.
(Presented at the Special Joint Session of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI
on February 24, 2010)
Educating from the Beginning a talk by Mr.
Leonardo Garnier, Minister of Public Education of Costa Rica (Given at the
joint meeting of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI on February 24, 2010)
Remarks by Joan Lombardi, PH.D. Deputy Assistant
Secretary and Interdepartmental Liaison for Early Childhood Development
Administration for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services (Presented at the Joint Special Session of the Permanent Council
and CEPCIDI on February 24, 2010)
Note from the Office of the Secretary General
Forwarding a note from the Permanent Mission of Chile Regarding the
Earthquake in Chile on February 27, 2010
Promoting Social Development and Equity
Presentation by Ms. Estela Ortiz, Deputy Executive Chair of the National
Kindergarten Board (JUNJI) of Chile (Delivered at the Special Joint Meeting
of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI of February 24, 2010)
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru
requesting the convocation of a Special Meeting of the Permanent Council for
Friday, April 9, 2010
CP/INF.6013/10 corr. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of Guatemala requesting inclusion of the
topic “Report of the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political
Affairs (CAJP) on implementation of resolution CP/RES. 965 (1733/09)” in the
order of business for the regular meeting of the Permanent Council to be
held on March 17, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of the
Commonwealth of Dominica advising that it will be unable to Assume the
Chairmanship of the Permanent Council for the period from April 1 to June
30, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru
requesting the convocation of a Special Meeting of the Permanent Council for
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of Bolivia
requesting a Special Meeting of the Permanent Council to receive the
Minister of Institutional Transparency and the Fight Against Corruption of
Note from the Permanent Mission of Canada
requesting the inclusion of the topic -Corporate Social Responsibility in
the Americas- on the order of business of the regular meeting of the
Permanent Council to be held on April 7, 2010
Remarks by Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin Asistant
Secretary General of the OAS to the Permanent Council on the Issue Related
to the Minutes of its Meetings March 30, 2010
Note from the Committee of the Leo S. Rowe Pan
American fund requesting the inclusion of an item on the order of business
of the next regular meeting of the Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent Mission of Bolivia
regarding theft of Colonial Art
Note from the Chairman of the Inter-American
Juridical Committee forwarding the “Progress Report on efforts Toward
Adopting National Legislation Based on Guidelines of Principles of the
Inter-American Juridical Committee and training employees for the
Cooperation of the Members States of the OAS with the International Criminal
Court and the Drafting of Model Laws for the Crimes Contemplated in the Rome
Note from Chairman of the Inter-American
Juridical Committee Transmitting the document CJI/doc.340/09 rev. 1
-Strengthening the Consultative Function of the Inter-American Juridical
Note from the Chairman of the Inter- American Juridicial Committee
Transmiting Dr. Fabián Novak Talavera’s document CJI/DOC.339/09 rev.2
“Comments on the Draft Inter-American Convention Against Racism and all
forms of Discrimination and Intolerance”
Presentation by Donica Pottie, Director of the
Democracy and Governance Division - Foreign Affairs and International Trade
of Canada during the regular session of the Permanent Council on April
Note from the Permanent Mission of Ecuador
requesting inclusion of the item “Ecuadorian Government’s Policy Toward
Indigenous Peoples” on the order of business of the regular meeting of the
Permanent Council to be held on May 5, 2010
CP/INF.6033/10 rev. 1
Presentation of credentials by Ambassador Hugo
de Zela, Permanent Representative of Peru to the Organization of
American States
Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil
requesting the inclusion of the item “Presentation of the Oral report on the
Eighth Meeting of Ministers of Justice or other Ministers or Attorneys
General of the Americas (REMJA-VIII),” on the order of business of the
regular meeting of the Permanent Council, scheduled for May 5, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil
requesting the inclusion of the item “III Forum of the Alliance of
Civilizations” on the order of business of the regular meeting of the
Permanent Council scheduled for April 28, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of Panama
requesting the inclusion of a presentation by Mr. Juan Carlos Varela, Vice
president and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama, on the order of
business of the Permanent Council meeting scheduled for May 12, 2010
Presentation by His Excellency Percival J.
Patterson, Special Representative of the Heads of Government of CARICOM for
Presentation by His Excellency Ambassador Albert
R. Ramdin, Assistant Secretary General of the OAS
Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil
requesting inclusion of the topic “Social Charter of the Americas” on the
order of business for the regular meeting of the Permanent Council to be
held on May 6, 2010
Statement by the Carter Center on the Situation
in Nicaragua
Note from the Permanent Mission of the United
States of America requesting the inclusion of the item, -Commemoration of
World Press Freedom Day- on the order of business of the next regular
meeting of the Permanent Council to be held on May 6, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of Colombia
requesting inclusion of the topic “Election of a Member of the Committee of
the Leo S. Rowe Pan American Fund” on the order of business for the next
meeting of the Permanent Council
List of Elective Offices in the Organs,
Agencies, and Entities of the Organization of American States (Informational
document prepared by the General Secretariat in accordance with information
provided by the organs, agencies, and entities)
CP/INF.6053/10 corr. 1
Presentation of Credentials by Ambassador Darío
Paya, Permanent Representative of Chile to the Organization of American
Presentation of Credentials by Ambassador Joaquín Maza, Permanent
Representative of El Salvador to the Organization of American States
Note from the Permanent Mission of Colombia
requesting inclusion of the item “Draft Inter-American Convention Against
Racism and all forms of Discrimination and Intolerance” on the order of
business of the next regular meeting of the Permanent Council
Note from the “Consorcio Desarrollo y Justicia”
and “Freedom House” Organizations regarding the Draft resolution “Increasing
and Strengthening Civil Society Participation in the activities of the
Organization of American States and in the Summits of the Americas
Process” (document CP/CISC-502/10 rev..3)
Recommendations from the Carter Center for the
Fortieth Regular Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of
American States Lima, June 6-8, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of Uruguay
regarding the Draft resolution “Right to the Truth” (Document
Presentation of credentials by Ambassador Audrey
Marks, permanent Representative of Jamaica to the Organization of American
Note from the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua requesting the inclusion of the
topic Antipersonnel Mine-Free Territory on the order of business for the
Permanent Council meeting scheduled for June 22, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela announcing the place and date of the “Third
Inter-American Meeting of Experts and Representatives of Electoral Bodies”
Presentation of Credentials by Ambassador Hubert
J. Charles, Permanent Representative of Dominica to the Organization of
American States
Note from the Permanent Mission of Colombia
requesting the convening of a Special Meeting of the Permanent Council on
July 22, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru
requesting the inclusion of the topic “Report of the Chair of the Style
Committee” on the order of business of the regular meeting of the Permanent
Council scheduled for July 21, 2010
Secretary General’s presentation of the Draft
Program-Budget of the Organization for 2011 (Presented to the Permanent
Council at its meeting held July 21, 2010)
CP/INF.6085/10 corr.1
Note from the Permanent Mission of Ecuador
Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council
Advising of Her Absence from Headquarters
Note from the Permanent Mission of El Salvador
announcing the Place and Date of the General Assembly
Presentation of Credentials by Ambassador María
Isabel Salvador Crespo, Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the
Organization of American States
Note from the Permanent Mission of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela requesting the inclusion of the “Third
Inter-American Meeting of Experts and Representatives of Electoral Bodies of
the OAS Member States" as an item on the agenda of the next meeting of the
Permanent Council
Conclusions, Recommendations, and Final
Declaration of the Third Inter-American meeting of Experts and
Representatives of Electoral Bodies of the Member States of the
Organization of American States" (Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela, July 29-30, 2010)
add. 1
Report on the Seventh Inter-American
Meeting of Electoral Authorities, held in Washington, D.C., on
May 6 and 7, 2010 (Presented by the Department of Electoral
Cooperation and Observation at the regular meeting of the
Permanent Council of September 2, 2010)
Membership and officers of the
Committees and working groups of the General Assembly, the
Meeting of Consultation, and the Permanent Council (July 2010 to
June 2011)
CP/INF.6097/10 rev. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of
Argentina regarding the Joint Declaration on The Malvinas
Islands signed on August 3, 2010
Statement by the Assistant Secretary
General, Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin, on Peace Week 2010
Activities (Delivery before the Permanent Council on September
15, 2010)
Note from the Permanent Mission of
Grenada informing of the Government of Grenada's decision to
present its candidature to serve on the Executive Committee of
the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Note from the Permanent Mission of
the Oriental Republic of Uruguay requesting postponement of an
item on the agenda of the Permanent Council
Spheech by the Assistant Secretary
General, Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin on the Fiftieth Anniversary
of the OAS Academic Scholarship Program (Delivered at the Joint
Session of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI held on Friday,
October 1, 2010)
CP/INF.6107/10 corr. 1
Speech by Dr. Helga
Cuéllar-Marchelli, Manager of the Education Section of FUSADES
and OAS Scholarship Beneficiary, 1998, on the Importance of
Investing in Higher Education (Delivered at the Joint Session of
the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI held on Friday, October 1,
Note from the Permanent Mission of
Brazil requesting inclusion of the topic “Launch of the Portal
of the Network for Consumer Safety and Health in the Americas”
on the order of business of the regular meeting of the Permanent
Council, to be held during the week of November 15 to 19
Note from the Permanent Mission of
Canada requesting a Special Session of the Permanent Council to
welcome the Honorable Peter Kent, Minister of State of Foreign
Affairs of Canada
The Rights of the Elderly and the
Role of Mutualism Presentation by the Organización de Entidades
Mutuales de las Américas (ODEMA) to the Permanent Council at its
special session - October 28, 2010
Report of the Assistant Secretary
General, Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin, on the matter of the
Invitation to the Chair of the Permanent Council to take part in
an International Electoral Accompaniment Program (Presented to
the Permanent Council at its meeting of October 27, 2010)
Statement by Ambassador Nestor
Mendez, Permanent Representative of Belize, on behalf of the
members of SICA on the -Preliminary considerations on the
implementation of General Assembly resolution AG/RES. 2555
(XL-O/10), -Promotion and strengthening of Democracy: Follow-up
to the Inter-American Democratic Charter- Made before the
Permanent Council during its regular session held October 27,
Health, well-being, and aging: an
inescapable challenge Presentation by Dr. Enrique Vega, PAHO/WHO
Regional Advisor on Aging and Health, at the Permanent Council’s
special meeting on “Human Rights and Older Persons” – October
28, 2010
Presentation by the Delegation of
Argentina at the Permanent Council’s special meeting on “Human
Rights and Older Persons”
October 28, 2010
Security in the Americas for the
elderly Presentation by Fiona Clark, regional program director,
Latin America, Helpage International During the special meeting
held by the Permanent Council on human rights and older persons,
October 28, 2010
Justification for a convention on
the Human Rights of older persons Presentation by Dirk Jaspers-Faijer,
Director CELADE - Population Division of ECLAC During the
special session of the Permanent Council on “The Human
Rights of Older Persons” October 28, 2010
Presentation by the Delegation of
Brazil at the special meeting of the Permanent Council on “Human
Rights and Older Persons” October 28, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of
Costa Rica requesting the convocation of a special meeting of
the Permanent Council for Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of
the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago requesting a Special Session
of the Permanent Council to Welcome the Honorable Kamla
Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and
Presentation by the Director
of the Pan American Health Organization at the Special Meeting of the
Permanent Council on “Human Rights and Older Persons” October 28, 2010
Presentation by the
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights at the Special Meeting of the
Permanent Council on “Human Rights and Older Persons” October 28, 2010
“Demographic Transformations
and their Implications for Public Policy from a Gender and Human Rights
Perspective” presentation by Ms. Luz Angela Melo, Representative of the United
Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), at the special meeting of the Permanent
Council on “Human Rights and Older Persons” October 28, 2010
Remarks by the Secretary General of
the OAS to the Special Session convened by the Permanent Council
to received the Minister of State of Foreign Affairs of Canada,
the Honorable Peter Kent, on the occasion of the celebration of
the 20th Anniversary of his Country's Membership in the OAS
November 10, 2010
Note from the coordinator of the
ALADI group requesting postponement of the special meeting of
the Permanent Council scheduled for November 11, 2010
Notes for an Address by The
Honourable Peter Kent, Minister of State of Foreign Affairs
(Americas) 20th Anniversary Commemoration to OAS Permanent
Council November 10, 2010
Welcome Remarks by Secretary
General, Jose Miguel Insulza at the protocolary session in honor
of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago,
the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar November 10, 2010
Request of the Permanent Observer
mission of Spain for the inclusion in the order of business of
the meeting of the Permanent Council to be held on December 1,
2010, of a presentation by the Real Madrid Foundation on the
activities that it carries out in member states of the OAS
Note from the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua withdrawing the
request for convocation of the meeting of consultation of
Ministers of Foreign Affairs
Note from the
Permanent Mission of Nicaragua regarding the participation of
the Permanent Representation of Nicaragua in OAS meetings and
activities related to the Situation in the Border Area between
Costa Rica and Nicaragua
Note from the
Permanent Mission of Nicaragua to the Secretary General in
connection with the Nicaragua – Costa Rica Border Controversy
and the meeting of the Permanent Council held on November 12,
Note from the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica
forwarding a copy of Note DVM-DPE/350-2010 from the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Worship of Costa Rica to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua
Note from the Permanent Mission of
El Salvador requesting a Special Meeting on Monday, December 13,
in order to receive the Minister of Foreign affairs of El
Salvador, Mr. Hugo Martínez
Note from the
Permanent Observer Mission of France requesting the inclusion of
a topic on the order of business of the next regular meeting of
the Permanent Council
Note Verbale
from the Chair of the Permanent Council to the Secretary General
advising that he will be away from Headquarters
Note from The Honorable Kamla
Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and
Tobago, transmitting the notes of her address delivered on
November 10, 2010 to the OAS Permanent Council
IX Conference of Ministers of
Defense of the Americas minutes of Closing Event and Declaration
of Santa Cruz de la Sierra Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 22
– 25 November 2010
IX Conference of Ministers of
Defense of the Americas Minutes of Conclusions and
Recommendations Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 22 – 25
November 2010
Proposed Central theme of the
Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly of the
Organization of American States to be held in San Salvador, El
Salvador, from June 5 to 7, 2011 Presented to the Permanent
Council by His Excellency Hugo Martinez, Minister of Foreign
Affairs of El Salvador, at the special meeting of December 13,
Note from the Secretary General to
the chair of the Permanent Council, advising of his absence from