Documents 2005 (CP/INF.)
Note from the Permanent Mission of Argentina
transmitting a press release on the Malvinas Islands
Fe de
List of elective offices in the organs, agencies,
and entities of the Organization of American States (Document prepared by the
General Secretariat according to information provided by the organs, agencies,
and entities)
corr. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of Argentina
requesting the inclusion on the agenda of the oral report of the Argentine
Delegation on the Second Regional Seminar to Promote and Publicize the
Volunteer Corps for Humanitarian Assistance in Central America and the
Note from the Permanent Mission of Chile
requesting a special meeting to welcome Mr. José Miguel Insulza, Minister of
the Interior of Chile and candidate for the post of Secretary General of the OAS
Note from the Permanent Mission of El Salvador
requesting a special meeting to welcome Mr. Francisco Flores, former President
of El Salvador and candidate for the post of Secretary General of the OAS
corr. 1
Note from the Acting Secretary General transmitting
Executive Order No. 05-03 "Reorganization of the General Secretariat"
Note from the Permanent Mission of Bolivia
transmitting a communiqué in support of the democratic process headed by
President Carlos Mesa
Presentation by Ambassador Luigi R. Einaudi, Acting
Secretary General of the OAS, on the status of the reorganization of the
General Secretariat, at the regular session of the Permanent Council held on
January 26, 2005
Note from the Permanent Mission of Chile
transmitting the Santiago Declaration adopted at the Twelfth APEC (Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation) Economic Leaders’ Meeting and the Joint Statement of the
Sixteenth APEC Ministerial Meeting
Address by Dr. Luis Ernesto Derbez, Mexico's
candidate to the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States in
the Permanent Council
Remarks to the OAS Permanent Council by Mr.
Francisco Flores, former President of El Salvador
Address by Minister of the Interior of Chile, José
Miguel Insulza, before the OAS Permanent Council
Joint communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic
relations between Belize and Paraguay
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela requesting the convening of a special meeting to receive
the Minister of Foreign Affairs His Excellency Alí Rodríguez Araque
Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council
announcing that he will be away from Headquarters
CP/INF.5139/05 Presentation of
credentials by Ambassador Álvaro Tirado Mejía, Permanent Representative of
Colombia to
the OAS
CP/INF.5140/05 Presentation of
credentials by Ambassador Javier Sancho Bonilla, Permanent Representative of
Costa Rica to
the OAS
CP/INF.5141/05 Note from the Permanent
Mission of Peru requesting inclusion of the topic “Congratulations to the
Peruvian State for its Restoration of the Rights of the Armed Forces Officers
who Acted in Defense of Democracy and the Constitutional Rule of Law” on the
agenda of the regular meeting of the Permanent Council of March 16, 2005
CP/INF.5145/05 Note from the Permanent
Observer Mission of France enclosing the final document of the Cayenne Meeting,
March 18, 2005
CP/INF.5147/05 Note from the Permanent
Mission of Mexico regarding resolutions AG/RES. 2019 (XXXIV-O/04), "Fighting
the crime of trafficking in persons, especially women, adolescents, and
children." AG/RES. 2026 (XXXIV-O/04), "Fighting transnational organized crime
in the Hemisphere," and AG/RES. 2040 (XXXIV-O/04), "Meeting of Ministers of
Justice or of Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas"
CP/INF.5152/05 corr. 1 Note from the Permanent
Mission of the Argentine Republic requesting the inclusion of the topic “South
American Community of Nations” on the order of business of the Permanent
Council meeting scheduled for April 27, 2005
CP/INF.5156/05 Note from the Permanent
Mission of the United States requesting the inclusion of the topic
“Presentation on arrangements in Fort Lauderdale for the thirty-fifth regular
session of the General Assembly” on the agenda of the Permanent Council meeting
scheduled for May 4, 2005
Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council
announcing that he will be away from Headquarters
Statement by the Acting Secretary General, Luigi R.
Einaudi, to the OAS Permanent Council concerning the situation of former
Haitian Prime Minister Yvon Neptune
Note from the Permanent Mission of Panama
requesting that the topic “Preparations for the Fourth Summit of Heads of State
and Government of the Association of Caribbean States” be placed on the order
of business for the Permanent Council meeting scheduled for may 11, 2005
Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council
advising that he will be away from headquarters
Memorandum from the President of the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights regarding recent activities of the Commission
concerning the Republic of Haiti
CP/INF.5171/05 Note from the Permanent
Mission of Ecuador requesting inclusion of the topic “Support of the
Organization of American states for the Republic of Ecuador” on the agenda of
the regular meeting of the Permanent Council, scheduled for May 20, 2005
CP/INF.5172/05 Note from the Permanent
Mission of Suriname requesting that Ambassador Albert Ramdin, candidate for the
post of Assistant Secretary General of the OAS, make a presentation to the
Permanent Council
CP/INF.5174/05 Speech made by Ing.
Ernesto Leal Sánchez, candidate for Assistant Secretary General of the
Organization of American States (OAS)
CP/INF.5177/05 Address by Mr. José
Miguel Insulza at a special meeting of the Permanent Council upon assuming the
office of Secretary General of the OAS
CP/INF.5180/05 Remarks of the Acting
Secretary General, Ambassador Luigi R. Einaudi at the assumption of Office of
José Miguel Insulza as Secretary General of the Organization of American States
5181/05 Speech by the Chair of the
Permanent Council, Ambassador Alberto Borea Odría, Permanent Representative of
Peru, on the assumption of Office of the Secretary General of the Organization,
José Miguel Insulza
CP/INF.5182/05 Speech by Ambassador
Albert R. Ramdin, candidate for the position of Assistant Secretary General of
the Organization of American States, to the Permanent Council of the OAS
CP/INF.5186/05 Presentation of
credentials of Ambassador Osmar Vladimir Chohfi, Permanent Representative of
Brazil to the OAS
corr. 1 Presentation of
credentials of Ambassador Mario Alemán Salvador, Permanent Representative of
Ecuador to the OAS
Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council
advising that he will be away from headquarters
Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil
requesting that the topic “Third Meeting of Ministers and High-Level
Authorities Responsible for Policies on Decentralization, Local Government, and
Citizen Participation” be placed on the agenda for the regular Permanent
Council meeting scheduled for June 29, 2005
CP/INF.5192/05 Presentation of
credentials of Ambassador Roberto Álvarez, Permanent Representative of
the Dominican Republic to the OAS
Mandates and recommendations of the thirty-fifth
regular session of the General Assembly
rev. 1 Note from the Permanent
Mission of Brazil announcing the change of date and theme of the Third Meeting
of Ministers and High-Level Authorities Responsible for Policies on
Decentralization, Local Government, and Citizen Participation at the Municipal
Level in the Hemisphere
CP/INF.5200/05 Note from the Permanent
Mission of Nicaragua requesting convocation of a special meeting of the
Permanent Council on Thursday, July 14, 2005 to welcome His Excellency,
President Enrique Bolaños Geyer
CP/INF.5203/05 Note from the Permanent
Mission of Colombia requesting that the topic “Presentation by His Excellency
dr. Francisco Santos, Vice president of Colombia” be placed on the agenda for
the regular meeting of the Permanent Council scheduled for July 20, 2005
CP/INF.5205/05 Note from the Permanent
Mission of Paraguay requesting that the topic “Report on a petition filed
against the Republic of Paraguay by a group of nine (originally 10) banks
before the courts of the Swiss Confederation” on the agenda of the regular
meeting of the Permanent Council scheduled for July 20, 2005
Address by Ambassador Albert. R. Ramdin at the
Special Meeting of the Permanent Council on the occasion of his Assumption
of Office as Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American
corr. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of Bolivia
requesting convocation of a special meeting to welcome Ambassador at Large
Dr. Marcelo Ostria Trigo
Note from the Permanent Mission of The Bahamas
informing of the contribution of its government to the “Fund for Building
Improvement, Maintenance Services and other Urgent Needs”
Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council
advising that he will be away from headquarters
Report of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission in
Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil
requesting that the topic "Second Meeting of Central Authorities and other
Experts on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and Extradition" be
placed on the agenda for the regular meeting of the Permanente Council
scheduled for August 10, 2005
Note from the Chair of the Retirement and Pension
Fund Committee of the Organization of American States (OAS)
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Argentine
Republic requesting that the topic “Commemoration of the anniversary of the
death of the Liberator General don José de San Martin” be placed on the agenda
of the regular meeting of the Permanent Council scheduled for August 25, 2005
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela regarding the Meeting of National Authorities on
Trafficking in Persons
Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil
requesting that the topic "Second Meeting of Government Cybersecurity
Practitioners" be placed on the order of business of the regular meeting of the
Permanent Council scheduled for September 13, 2005
Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council
advising that he will be away from headquarters
Statement by the Chair of the Permanent Council of
the Organization of American States on the recent events in the Republic of
Note from the Permanent Mission of Honduras
requesting the convocation of a protocolary meeting to receive His Excellency
the President of Honduras, Mr. Ricardo Maduro Joest
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Dominican
Republic requesting that a protocolary meeting be convened to welcome His
Excellency Dr. Leonel Fernández, President of the Dominican Republic
Note from the Permanent Mission of Antigua and
Barbuda requesting the convocation of a protocolary meeting to receive The
Honourable Baldwin Spencer, Prime Minister of Antigua And Barbuda
Presentation of credentials by Ambassador José Luis
Velásquez Pereira, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Nicaragua to the
Organization of American States (OAS)
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela requesting inclusion of the topic ”Oil, democracy, and
hemispheric cooperation” on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the
Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of
Guyana requesting the convocation of a protocolary meeting to receive His
Excellency, the President of the Republic of Guyana, Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo
Membership and officers of the committees and
working groups of the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultation, and the
Permanent Council
CP/INF.5249/05 rev.
Joint assessment commissioned by the Embassies of
The Netherlands and Sweden on peace process, paramilitary CDDR and
(international support for) the MAPP/OEA Verification and Support Mission in
CP/INF. 5253/05
Speech by Ambassador Jorge Valero Permanent
Representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the Permanent Council
Subject: Oil, democracy, and hemispheric cooperation Washington D.C., September
29, 2005
Presentation of credentials by Ambassador Fernando
De la Flor Arbulú, Permanent Representative of Peru to the
Organization of American States (OAS)
Note from the Permanent Observer of Spain
accompanying the Declaration of Salamanca and the specific communiqués of the
XV Iberoamerican Summit held on October 14 and 15, 2005 in Salamanca, Spain
Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council
announcing that he will be away from Headquarters
Note from the Permanent Mission of Argentina
requesting that the topic “Fourth Summit of the Americas” be placed on the
order of business of the Permanent Council meeting of November 30, 2005
rev. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of El Salvador
requesting that the presentation of the report on the “First Central American
Forum on the Social Prevention of Violence and the Rehabilitation and
Reintegration of at-Risk and Delinquent Youth, and Related Background
Information” be placed on the agenda of the November 30, 2005 meeting of the
Permanent Council
Note from Ambassador Roberto Alvarez Gil, Permanent
Representative of the Dominican Republic, conveying his country's proposal to
host the VI Meeting of Ministers of Justice or of Ministers or Attorneys
General of the Americas (REMJA-VI)
Note from Ambassador Abigail Castro de Perez,
Permanent Representative of El Salvador, conveying her country's proposal to
host the XXXIX Meeting of the Directing Council of the Pan-American Institute
of Geography and History (PAIGH)
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela regarding the Meeting of National Authorities on
Trafficking in Persons
Note from the Permanent Mission of Argentina
transmitting the texts of the Declaration and Plan of Action of Mar del Plata
and of the communiqués issued at the Fourth Summit of the Americas
Note from the Permanent Mission of Haiti requesting
the convocation of a protocolary meeting to receive His Excellency Gérard
Latortue, Interim Prime Minister of Haiti
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru requesting
a protocolary meeting of the Permanent Council to welcome His Excellency,
Ambassador Oscar Maúrtua de Romaña, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru
Note from the Chair of the Committee on Hemispheric
Security on the mandate regarding the analysis of the legal and institutional
relationship between the Organization of American States and the Inter-American
Defense Board