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Process for Estimating the Cost of Resolutions


Draft resolution Amendment of resolution CP/RES. 965 (1733/09) on the costing process for resolutions to be referred to the General Assembly for consideration (Adopted at the meeting of March 29, 2011) CP/CAAP-3094/11 rev. 3

Costing Process for Resolutions (Adopted at the meeting of March 29, 2011) CP/CAAP-3098/11 rev. 3

Report on the Status of the Costing Process for Resolutions to be Referred to the General Assembly for Consideration (Prepared by the Secretariat for Administration and Finance) CP/CAAP/INF.35/11


Estimates of the Financial Impact of resolutions adopted at the Fortieth Regular Session of the General Assembly, in Accordance with resolution CP/RES. 971 (1751/10) (Prepared by the Secretariat for Administration and Finance) CP/CAAP-3071/10


Legal Opinion: Required Templates for Draft General Assembly Resolutions CP/CAAP-2984/09 corr. 1

Legal Opinion on Proposals to Modify the Budget Approval Cycle CP/CAAP-2985/09

Draft Template A, For Resolutions Authorizing Specific Projects and other Activities Requiring OAS Financing The General Assembly CP/CAAP-2990/09

Draft Template B, For Resolutions Adopting Policy not requiring OAS Financing for Projects and Activities Identified therein for Execution in the Present or next Fiscal Year The General Assembly CP/CAAP-2991/09

Draft resolution Templates to be used by the Permanent Council for resolutions to be referred to the General Assembly for Consideration (Document considered at the meeting of December 1, 2009, and approved ad referendum of the delegation of Nicaragua) CP/CAAP-3041/09


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