

Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013


Chair: Ambassador Gillian Bristol

         Alternate Representative of Grenada


Basic Documents



Proposed Program-Budget 2013 submitted by the Secretary General CP/CAAP-3188/12

  • Note for the Information of the CAAP supplementary information and annexes to the secretary general’s program budget proposal for 2013 CP/CAAP-3188/12 add. 1

  • Proposed program-Budget for 2013 Overview and Guide CP/CAAP-3188/12 add. 2



Chapter I - Office of the Secretary General (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-76/12

  • Note for the information of the CAAP working group to review the proposed program-budget for 2013 Hall of the Americas fund CAAP/GT/PPP-76/12 add. 1

Chapter XIV (142A) – Inter-American Defense Board (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-78/12

  • Chapter XIV (142a) – Inter-American Defense Board (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-78/12 add. 1

  • Chapter XIV (142a) – Inter-American Defense Board (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-78/12 add. 2

Proposed Program-Budget 2013 Submitted by the Secretary General (Revised) CAAP/GT/PPP-79/12 rev. 1

  • Proposed Program-Budget 2013 Chapters I, II, XI, XII (revised) Submitted by the Secretary General September 28, 2012 CAAP/GT/PPP-79/12 add. 1 corr. 1

  • Proposed Program-Budget 2013 methodology for estimating specific funds CAAP/GT/PPP-79/12 add. 2 corr. 1

  • Proposed Program-Budget 2013 Chapters III, XIII, XIV (revised) Submitted by the Secretary General October 3, 2012 CAAP/GT/PPP-79/12 add. 3 corr. 1

  • Proposed Program-Budget 2013 Chapters IV, V, VI (revised) Submitted by the Secretary General October 9, 2012 CAAP/GT/PPP-79/12 add. 4

  • Proposed Program-Budget 2013 Chapters VII, VIII (revised) Submitted by the Secretary General October 16, 2012 CAAP/GT/PPP-79/12 add. 5

  • Proposed Program-Budget 2013 Chapters IX, X (revised) Submitted by the Secretary General October 16, 2012 CAAP/GT/PPP-79/12 add. 6

  • Note for the information of the CAAP working group to review the proposed Program-Budget for 2013 Additional information regarding proposed posts in the 2013 budget proposal CAAP/GT/PPP-79/12 add. 7

Chapter II: Office of the Assistant Secretary General consideration of Chapter XI - Conferences and Meetings Management consideration of Chapter XII - Offices and units of the General Secretariat in the Member States (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-80/12 corr. 1

  • Chapter II - Office of the Assistant Secretary General Chapter XI - Conferences and Meetings Management (Additional information requested during the presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013 on October 2, 2012) CAAP/GT/PPP-80/12 add. 1 corr. 1

  • Chapter XII - Offices and Units of the General Secretariat in the Member States (Additional information requested during the presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013 on October 2, 2012) CAAP/GT/PPP-80/12 add. 2 corr. 1

Chapter III (32A): Secretariat of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-83/12


Chapter XIV (142A) – Inter-American Committee on Ports Secretariat (CIP) (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-84/12 corr. 1


Chapter XIV (142d) – Secretariat of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-85/12

  • Chapter XIV (142d) – Secretariat of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-85/12 add. 1

Chapter XIV (142C) – Trust of the Americas (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-87/12


Chapter XIV (142b) – Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-89/12


Chapter III (32b) – Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-90/12


Chapter III (32b): Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-90/12 add. 1


Chapter III (32m): Office of the Director General of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-92/12


Chapter VIII: Secretariat for External Relations (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program- Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-95/12


Chapter VII: Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-97/12


Chapter VI: Secretariat for Political Affairs (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program- Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-98/12


Chapter IX: Secretariat for Administration and Finance Chapter X: Basic Infrastructure and Common Costs (Presentation to the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013) CAAP/GT/PPP-99/12


Note for the information of the CAAP working group to review the proposed Program-Budget for 2013 Budget execution report as of September 30, 2012 CAAP/GT/PPP-101/12


Working group to review the proposed Program-Budget for 2013: Summary Table CAAP/GT/PPP-103/12


Report of the Chair of the Working Group to review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2013 (Presented by the Chair of the Working Group at the meeting of November 13, 2012) CAAP/GT/PPP-108/12



Order of business

8 November 2012

5 November 2012

2 November 2012

24 October 2012

16 October 2012

16 October 2012

9 October 2012

9 October 2012

5 October 2012

5 October 2012

2 October 2012

2 October 2012

26 September 2012


31 October 2012

16 October 2012


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