The present work has been developed by the Rapporteur Group on the Technical and Regulatory
Aspects of the Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation of Permanent Consultative
Committee II: Radiocommunications including Broadcasting.


Secretary General
José Miguel Insulza 

Assistant Secretary General
Albert R. Ramdin

Permanent Consultative Committee II:  Radiocommunications including Broadcasting 

Jesse Chacón
National Telecommunications Commission, Venezuela 

Alternate Chair
Mikhail Marsiglia
National Telecommunications Commission, Venezuela 

Deputy Chair
León Lev
Communication Services Regulatory Unit, Uruguay 

Rapporteur Group on the Technical and Regulatory Aspects of the Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Emissions 

Héctor Mario Carril
Secretariat of Communications, Argentina 

Claudio Palomares Sartor
Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Peru 

Maximiliano S. Martinhao
ANATEL, Brazil 

Department of Press and Communications of the OAS 


Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL)  •  Organization of American States
1889 F St. NW   Washington DC 20006 USA  •  Phone: 1+202 458-3004  •  Fax: 1+202 458 6854  •  e-mail: [email protected]

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