Hurricane-resistant Home Improvement in the OECS

Guidelines for Implementation of a Safer Housing and Retrofit Program: Contents

This document describes an appropriate structure for a Safer Housing and Retrofit Program, the administration of a revolving loan program for safer housing retrofit and improvement, minimum standards and construction quality control for home retrofit and group insurance programs for the low-income earner. The Guidelines have been prepared based on the experience of the NRDF with the administration of such a program. This document is targeted at government institutions and other private sector organizations in the Eastern Caribbean that are or will be administering housing programs for the benefit of low-income earners. In the preparation of the Guidelines, it was presumed that new housing programs that are developed based on this model will be administered as part of an existing organization that has some experience with loan programs.

This document is available in Adobe PDF format: Guidelines for Implementation of a Safer Housing and Retrofit Program for Low-income Earners.

Table of Contents

  1. Background
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Safer Housing Program Structure
    1. Policy and Objectives
    2. Sources of Funds
    3. Cost and Revenue
    4. Loan Operations
    5. Staffing
    6. Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation
    7. Outreach/Awareness/Marketing
  4. Loan Application, Approval and Disbursement
    1. Application Process
    2. Appraisal/Approval
    3. Disbursements
  1. Construction Quality Control
    1. Home Siting and Environmental Criteria
    2. Quality Control/Monitoring
    3. Technical Assistance
  2. Insurance
    1. Group Contract
    2. Perils Covered
    3. Property Value for Insurance
    4. Collecting the Premium


 Last Updated 25 July 2003