Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project
Implemented by the Organization of American States
Unit of Sustainable Development and Environment
for the USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and the Caribbean Regional Program


Final Program Performance Report

September 1993 - December 1999

COUNTRY: Caribbean Region

PROGRAM: USAID/OAS Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project

[Detailed information about CDMP activities is available at its website:]

Performance Indicators




PROGRAM OBJECTIVE: Adoption of disaster mitigation and preparedness techniques, technologies and practices by the public and private sectors in targeted communities.
Obj. Indicator No. 1:

National collaborating institutions develop plans and identify resources to carry out mitigation measures after pilot activities end.

Target: All pilot activities develop plans, identify resources by the end of their respective pilot activity period. • NRDF (St. Lucia) incorporated hurricane retrofit/strengthening measures in a permanent housing improvement loan program, with local financial support.

• CARITAS (St. Lucia) received a $5000 contribution from Barclays Bank for hurricane straps and a $30,000 loan from CHF for the revolving loan fund.

• NDFD (Dominica) attracted EC$8100+ locally in cash/in kind plus EC$20-25,000 worth of bldg. materials from CCC, and qualified for a $30,000 low-interest loan from CHF.

• D.R. ADMD has annual plan with targets, continues to attract non-CDMP support. Courses, simulations now financed by participants or their companies. Received grant from DIPECHO to fund many of its ongoing activities beginning Oct. 1998, and is continuing community preparedness workshops with Plan Int’l.

• World Vision (D.R.) integrated Community Dis. Prep. Education into its program, assigned resources and staff.

• Land Policy Unit, NRCA and ODPEM developed plan for data hand-off, institutionalization for KMA activities, Jamaica.

• St. Lucia and Jamaica are developing national mitigation plans [ref. Obj. Ind. No. 3].

• CIMH (formerly CMI) has developed plans for continued use of TAOS/L-produced maps during storm events.

Some activities in each of the activity streams have gained a firm foothold during the project period and continue to move forward.

In 1998, the NDFD Board voted to expand investment in the home improvement sector as "a new frontier" for the foundation in Dominica.

NRDF (St. Lucia) attracted low-rate loan investments from the National Insurance Scheme and from commercial banks, as well as additional small grants, to support continuing housing improvement/retrofit activities.

Obj. Indicator No. 2:

Mitigation skills and procedures promoted in CDMP pilot activities are replicated, adapted by other organizations and communities or countries in the Caribbean region.

Target: At least 5 replications and/or adaptations are initiated in the region during the project period that can be attributed to CDMP pilot activity implementation, promotion. • CMI participated in TAOS software installation, training in Belize.

• Trainers from housing retrofit projects led 11 post-hurricane workshops in Antigua & Barbuda, St. Kitts/Nevis.

• A Disaster Mitigation Workshop, sponsored by CDMP and Org. of Ins. Companies in Belize (ORINCO) for over 70 people, resulted from interest generated by the insurance workshops in Jamaica and the D.R.

• Carib. Conf. of Churches supported 4 builders trained in the CDMP Dominica pilot activity to assist with post-hurricane reconstruction in Antigua.

• BVI govt. and British ODA funded a Hazard & Risk Assess. Project to produce risk maps that will be used to generate a hazard loss reduction program for the BVI. The project utilized the TAOS storm surge modeling software developed in CDMP.

• Prior to receiving any CDMP assistance, NDF/Antigua made EC$382,000 in housing loans, many of which included safer repair & construction techniques.

• The regional housing retrofit workshop, with 40 participants from 11 countries, generated interest from Antigua, Grenada and St. Vincent.

• CDB supported replication of the housing retrofit effort for low-income residents of Turks & Caicos.

• Under a Limited Scope Grant Agreement, CDMP assisted with integrating hazard and risk analyses in design criteria for post-hurricane rehabilitation, Dominica.

• The Caribbean Devt. Bank adopted a new "Strategy & Operational Guidelines for Natural Disaster Management" and began to apply the policy to loans.

• Two regional workshops were held for national disaster managers and physical planners.

• Following CDMP activities in development of building codes and promotion of safer construction practices, a regional training course was held to upgrade the skills and knowledge of building inspectors.

Replication of the safer housing retrofit loan projects continues in Antigua & Barbuda. Program planning is complete in St. Kitts & Nevis and Grenada, currently awaiting notice of approval of monies for on-lending from CDB for the revolving loan funds.

In addition to Caribbean use of the TAOS/L storm modeling capabilities, the Emergency Center, Campeche, Mexico, requested a license to utilize the software, and the State of Florida also replicated the methodology.

Obj. Indicator No. 3:

Targeted communities use vulnerability assessment and reduction methodologies for development planning.

Target: At least 4 pilot activities introduce improved hazard assessment technologies and promote their application to assist in vulnerability reduction. • Disaster management techniques, approaches, drafted by USAID/OAS CDMP Regional Coordinator, are included in proposed National Land Policy revisions submitted to Cabinet in Jamaica.

• Following CDMP-CDB workshops on use of hazard information in project formulation, CDB agreed to request that borrowing countries use CUBiC for design & construction of major infrastructure projects. CDB included mitigation considerations in the storm rehabilitation loan offered to Dominica.

• World Bank reconstruction loan agreement with Govt. of St. Lucia incorporated CDMP mitigation recommendations.

• Workshops to promote hazard mapping methodologies, applications have been held for public and private sector planners, investors, insurers, et al, in Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Belize, Antigua & Barbuda.

• The Development Control Authority (Antigua) used recommendations in the new CDMP/UNCHS-sponsored building code to guide 1995 post-hurricane reconstruction, prepare posters and brochures for hurricane preparedness.

• A workshop was held to present the school/shelter retrofit survey, recommendations.

• Two national mitigation planning workshops were held in 1997 and 1999.

• Both Jamaica and St. Lucia are developing national mitigation plans.

Target surpassed.

Dominica, St. Kitts & Nevis, and Grenada have received World Bank loans for public building retrofits.

Following the 1997 National Mitigation Planning Workshop in St. Lucia, CDERA reported that Grenada used hazard information in design of a major feeder road for the new national stadium, added National Disaster Coordinator to national planning team.

Gov’t. of Barbados established a national disaster mitigation subcommittee.

Antigua has completed a proposal to the CDB for funds to support school/shelter retrofits.

PROGRAM RESULT #1: Pilot activities conducted with collaborating public and private sector partners to promote acquisition and application of disaster mitigation skills, techniques and methodologies.
Indicator No. 1.1

Pilot mitigation activities are conducted in at least 7 countries in the Caribbean region during the Program period (1 Oct. 1993 - 30 Sept. 1998; extended to 31 Dec. 1999).

Target: Included in indicator statement.


All governments in the project area have endorsed the CDMP; several outside the project area have expressed interest in the project.

Pilot activities are underway or completed in: 1) Belize, 2) Dominica, 3) Dominican Republic, 4) Jamaica, 5) St. Lucia, 6) Antigua & Barbuda, 7) Haiti, 8) St. Vincent.

Target reached and surpassed by mid-1996.

Other countries participating in new projects, mapping, training/info dissemination, or replication include Anguilla, Bahamas, Barbados, Grenada, Montserrat, St. Kitts & Nevis, Trinidad, U.S. Virgin Islands.

Indicator No. 1.2

At least 80% of the CDMP pilot activities include private sector participation.

Target: Included in indicator statement.

(Number contingent on number of pilot activities conducted.)

All pilot activities have been carried out with private sector and NGO participation. Some examples:

• The D.R. CDMP project has documented/quantified private sector investment to establish a collaborative preparedness mechanism and promote natural hazard awareness. Board of new NGO consists of 5 private, 5 NGO members (total affiliates 33).

• NDFD and SSI established a collaboration with CCC for building, retrofitting low-income houses in Dominica.

• Local disaster committee members in Haiti are predominately from NGO and private sectors.

• Community Initiatives component of ADMD/D.R. shows resources to date from communities (46%), ADMD (32%), and others - NGOs, local govt., etc - (22%).

• NDF/Antigua & Barbuda garnered financial support for publishng a safer construction manual from local insurers, building suppliers, and others.

• Compania Nacional de Seguros, D.R., sponsored ADMD public awareness efforts via mass media and children’s programs. And TV and radio time worth approx. US$1,463,163 was donated for mitigation and preparedness messages.

Target achieved with public-private-NGO partnerships forming the most successful strategy for sustainable achievements.


Indicator No. 1.3

Methodologies & applications are documented for national and regional dissemination via workshops, presentations, training courses.

Target: National lead agencies produce informative guidelines or models for each completed pilot activity.


• Procedural manual for electrical utility assessment: Manual for Caribbean Electric Utilities Addressing the Issue of the Mitigation of Damage Caused by Natural Hazards to Civil Works

• Video and manual on safer construction techniques (Make the Right Connections) produced by NDFD and SSI, Dominica

• Training video produced by SALCC and CARITAS, St. Lucia

Estimation of Building Damage as a Result of Hurricanes in the Caribbean is being used in other insurance workshops in the region.

• The D.R. project videotaped all major projects for use in training and promotion and for a video resource library used by affiliates, and has published over 34,000 EQ and hurricane brochures for community preparedness.

Hurricane Resistant Home Improvement Program: A Toolkit completed, distributed (includes Minimum Standards Checklist for Hurricane-Resistance Estimation & Guidance).

• Hazard mitigation planning workbook (Planning to Mitigate the Impacts of Natural Hazards in the Caribbean) completed, in use by countries developing national mitigation policies.

• With CIMH, CDMP held 3 workshops on uses & applications of the TAOS/L storm hazard model and map database, with full documentation available.

• Chapter on structural vulnerability and loss reduction techniqes completed for CHA/CTO Hurricane Procedures Manual.

• Manual of standards for retrofit/repair and construction of schools/shelters prepared, plus maintenance manual for non-technical personnel.

Document exchange and participatory workshops have generated both ideas for project inclusion and interest in replicating or adapting CDMP experiences within the region. Copies of some documents were also provided to national mitigation partners in the USAID/ADPC Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Program.

Workshops, seminars and round table discussions have taken place in each activity stream during the project period and are too numerous to list here.

CHA/CTO is using the Hurricane Procedures Manual in workshops throughou the region.

The new Spanish translation of the CHA/CTO manual on hurricane procedures was used by the ADMD for a course given for a hotel association in the D.R.

To expand and expedite the dissemination of CDMP technical, procedural and training information, selected project documents and reports are posted on the CDMP website ( Several thousand compact disks with the website information will also be distributed.

PROGRAM RESULT #2: Increased pool of public and private sector professionals in the Caribbean region with disaster mitigation skills.
Indicator No. 2.1

Number of public and private sector professionals in the region successfully completing CDMP-supported technical short courses.


Dis. mgmt. training: 1000

Safer construction techniques: 200

Hazard mapping: 50

Vulnerability assessment: 50

Code administration/ enforcement: 75

• D.R. project has sponsored 22 disaster admin. courses for 502 prof. and tech. participants from public, private and NGO sectors.

• Approx. 147 local craftsmen have taken safer construction training supported by the CDMP in St. Lucia and Dominica. 93 builders attended safer construction workshops in Antigua & Barbuda.

• 4 staff members of ODP, Met Service and JBC, and 2 staff members of CMI trained in operation, applications of TAOS RTFS software in Barbados. Additional training for CMI, CDERA, and Barbados Met Office.

• 16 agency staff and students trained during one-week GIS course at CAST, Jamaica.

• Staff of Belize Met. and Hydro. Offices trained with TAOS software installation.

• Workshop held for Jamaican Town Planning Dept., NRCA & Water Resources Authority staff (3) on GIS data extraction, analysis, manipulation and output.

• D.R. adapted Int’l Red Cross program to train 619 local facilitators from NGOs, Civil Defense, Red Cross.

• CDMP-Haiti sent 5 to a CPI course in the D.R, then gave first TFI course in Haiti plus tabletop exercies for community preparedness committees.

• GIS-EP (Dominica) held a workshop for utility engineers on techniques & applications of GIS.

• 15 professionals from five countries attended a Building Inspection Training Course in 1999.

Targets surpassed except for code administration/enforcement.

Course materials developed and tested in the CDMP continue to be available though the relevant local and regional institutions. Much of the information is also being incorporated into existing curricula (see below).


Indicator No. 2.2

Skills training and professional development courses institutionalized at the national level.

Target: At least 5 countries participating in the CDMP will continue to offer CDMP mitigation training courses after project completion. • CPI Instructor Training Course training program prepared, co-sponsored by USAID/OAS CDMP, CARE Dominicana and USAID/OFDA Costa Rica.

• UTECH-Jamaica (formerly CAST) developed course outlines and prepared implementation plan for incorporation of safer construction and other mitigation modules to increase awareness and skill level of professionals, tradespersons, supervisors and small business persons in the construction industry.

• CDMP collaborated with other regional institutions such as CDERA and UWI to determine tertiary curriculum needs and opportunities for mitigation education.

The UWI Unit for Disaster Studies continues to develop a course on Analysis & Management of Geohazards and Risks, to be offered in the summer of 2000.

Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, St. Lucia, developed a safer construction course but has not yet added it to their existing curriculum

Indicator No. 2.3

Improved access to natural hazard mitigation information (techniques, methodologies, experience) throughout the region.

Target: Over the life of the Program, CDMP will collaborate with at least 6 regional organizations or networks that will promote continued access to and use of mitigation skills, technologies and information. Collaborating regional organizations are:

1) CARICOM, 2) CARILEC, 3) CDERA,  4) CIMH (formerly CMI), 5) CDB, 6) IAC, 7) UWI

Regional collaborations were very productive. Details are in each project description and on the CDMP website:
PROGRAM RESULT #3: Mitigation activities incorporated in post-disaster reconstruction, recovery programs.
Indicator No. 3.1

Mitigation and preparedness criteria are included in post-disaster reconstruction decision-making.

Target: Specific mitigation recommendations are made by CDMP following each major natural hazard event in targeted countries. • Flood and landslide hazard mitigation recommendations by CDMP consultants after Tropical Storm Debby were incorporated in World Bank reconstruction loan agreement with Govt. of St. Lucia. The GOSL program included creation of a National Watershed Management Plan.

• Safer reconstruction training workshops were sponsored in Antigua & Barbuda following Hurricanes Luis and Marilyn.

• CDB storm rehab. loan offered to Dominica included requirement for construction to CUBiC (or other accepted int’l code) standards and incorporation of CDMP hazard mapping & vulnerability assessment methodologies.

• CDMP assisted in institutional strengthening efforts after Hurricane Georges, D.R.

USAID/OAS CDMP has established a proven mechanism whereby mitigation and preparedness criteria can be included in post-disaster reconstruction decision-making for the region.

[See also Outcome Ind. 6.1]

Outcome #1: Reduced vulnerability of basic infrastructure and critical public facilities and economic sectors.
Outcome Ind. 1.1:

Vulnerability assessments are performed by national and regional entities responsible for targeted facilities.

Target: At least 4 utilities participate in CDMP pilot vulnerability assessment activities.

Baseline: Only Barbados Light & Power has conducted (1993) its own vulnerability audit prior to the CDMP project.

• Pilot vulnerability assessment completed for LUCELEC.

• Hydro analysis completed for DOMLEC.

• Procedural manual for Caribbean electric utilities completed; availability promoted by CARILEC via newsletter and their annual engineering conf..

• Lessons learned study completed of hurricane impact on Antigua & Barbuda Elec. Utility (APUA) with recommendations for vulnerability reduction, based on the LUCELEC pilot.

• VINLEC T & D study completed.

• School/Shelter Vulnerability surveys carried out in 5 countries.

• Structural analysis and preparedness information added to CHA/CTO Hurricane Procedures Manual for northern and eastern Caribbean.

Outcome Ind. 1.2:

Entities responsible for specific lifeline facilities use vulnerability assessment information to reduce risk.

Target: At least 50% (11) of CARILEC member electric utilities request procedural manuals and/or training workshops on vulnerability audit/ reduction concepts and techniques after CDMP/CARILEC manual is complete. At least 5 will use the information to make improvements in construction, maintenance, procurement and/or operating procedures. • CARILEC reported 13 requests for the procedural manual in the year following promotion at its engineering conference.

• CDMP and CHA co-sponsored workshops on hurricane preparedness for the hotel industry in St. Lucia and Antigua.

Target related to interest generated was surpassed; target regarding actual use was not achieved during the life of the project.

CHA subsequently sponsored workshops on hurricane preparedness for the hotel industry in the Bahamas, Curacao and Jamaica. Hoteliers in the Bahamas credit the CHA/CTO Hurricane Procedures Manual with helping to reduce losses in Hurricane Floyd. CHA plans to continue sponsoring workshops to disseminate the information.

The CDB welcomes proposals from countries wanting to retrofit or upgrade schools/emergency shelters.

Outcome #2: Improved building standards and practices.
Outcome Ind. 2.1:

Building regulations/ standards developed or revised and adopted by public, private sectors in target areas.

Target: Country-specific codes will be prepared for and adopted by 3 countries in the region during the project period.

Baseline: A simpli-fied Model Building Code for the OECS, cross-referenced to CUBiC, was prepared in a UNCHS/UNDP project, but country-specific codes have not been developed.

• New national building codes were completed, with CDMP and UNCHS/UNDP support, in Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, and St. Lucia.

• Major regional study of failed infrastructure completed.

• Study completed of probable maximum loss to major public infrastructure in 3 countries.

• New or revised building codes are being completed in Grenada and Belize, and the establishment of a Building Authority is underway in Barbados.

• CDMP also funded a consultation on revision/completion needs of the CUBiC.

• A review of the earlier CAST training program for inspectors was carried out and curriculum developed for updated training based on the new code guidelines. 15 professionals from five countries attended a Building Inspection Training Course in Barbados in 1999.

Target surpassed. The Antigua code is in use. The Dominica code revision is in the process of being legislated. The St. Lucia code was scheduled for adoption in March 2000. The others are at various stages of completion and adoption.

A major contribution of this effort has been the inclusion of guidelines for non-engineered or residential structures.

Barbados is preparing a set of guidelines for residential construction.

The new Inspector training modules were assessed and recommendations made for future revisions.

National code and guideline preparation began as a joint effort of the USAID/OAS CDMP and UNCHS/UNDP to refine and strengthen institutional capacity to implement building codes. With the departure of the UNCHS office, subsequent activities were undertaken by CDMP.

Outcome Ind. 2.2:

No. of informal structures incorporating safer building techniques.

Target: At least 160 houses in the informal sector will be retrofitted or repaired using safer building techniques. Cumulative total 202:

St. Lucia: 5 retrofits completed during CARITAS/NRDF collaboration; 45 retrofits completed by CARITAS under new project structure in Dennery, Anse-la-Raye, Choiseul and Gros Islet. Houses retrofitted by trainees outside CARITAS loan structure: 42. NRDF added safety measures to approx. 52 houses under their program. NRDF has retrofitted 7 additional houses as part of their 1998-99 training activities.

Dominica: 7 retrofits completed in Carib Territory. Survey of builders trained in Dominica project shows 35 additional houses retrofitted for residents not applying for NDFD loan assistance. In collaboration with CCC, 4 homes built: CCC provides materials; SSI uses process to train local craftsmen.

Antigua/Barbuda: 1 house built, 4 repaired/retrofitted during post-hurricane workshops.

Numerical target surpassed in 1997.

5 of the retrofitted homes in Dominica survived the 1995 hurricanes intact while neighboring non-retrofitted homes were damaged. It was reported that neighbors took refuge in one retrofitted home. This test served to validate both the training content and quality of construction, and provided a visible incentive to others in the community.

Outcome Ind. 2.3:

No. of local builders and artisans trained in improved construction practices by the project.

Target: At least 100 local building craftsmen will be trained in safer construction practices during the CDMP pilot activities. Cumulative total 350:

St. Lucia: 57 trainees in 2 workshops, plus site training for 10 self-builders. NRDF trained an additional 80 in 7 workshops.

Dominica: 110 trainees in five 1-day and three 5-day workshops, with 21 certified for achievement.

Antigua & Barbuda: In post-hurricane workshops, 93 (none certified). Two workshops on safe construction techniques were held by the NDF in 1999.

Target surpassed in 1996.

Trainees assisted in post-hurricane reconstruction in Antigua.

Attempts were made to determine whether trainees continued to use the skills and techniques outside the program. These additional retrofitted houses are included in the totals of 2.2 above.

Outcome Ind. 2.4:

Improved access to credit in vulnerable low-income communities to enable resident investment in housing safety retrofit.

Target: At least 2 pilot activities will establish revolving loan funds to provide small loans for housing safety improvements where these loans have not previously been available.

Baseline: Minimal access, if any, in target communities. The housing sector was not a component of the loan portfolio of NRDF prior to their involvement with the USAID/OAS CDMP. NDFD offered some housing loans but none requiring disaster resistant features. CARITAS had no housing loan portfolio.

St. Lucia: 5 loans disbursed in initial CARITAS/NRDF project; 45 disbursed in subsequent CARITAS project.

NRDF reports 52 loans (for a total of EC$447,273) including safety repair/ retrofit measures as of 9/30/96.

Dominica: 40

Antigua & Barbuda: NDF made EC$382,000 in housing repair loans [replication activity] prior to its inclusion in the Hurricane Resistant Home Improvement Program with access to a CHF line of credit.

• Procedures and guidelines are in place for promotion of safer construction techniques in home improvement programs of 2 credit unions in Jamaica.

• The application of NDF/St. Kitts & Nevis for funds to on-lend in a replication activity was approved in early 1999 by CDB but has not yet resulted in an agreement with the National Development Bank.

• Grenada has also applied for CDB funds for a replication activity.

Target achieved with replications also underway.

The NRDF portfolio of housing improvement/retrofit loans at the end of the CDMP was EC$1,886,378 (202 loans).

In Dominica, the NDFD Board voted to expand their investment in the home improvement sector in 1998. Not only is the repayment record good, but they believe the new initiative has created 7 jobs specifically for retrofit (70 for home improvement).

The Confederation of Credit Unions says that the topic is on the agenda for their annual meeting in 2000.

CDB is making available a line of credit to national development banks that can support home improvement and retrofit.

Outcome #3: Increased availability and access in the region to natural disaster risk/natural hazard vulnerability information for use by the public sector and by private sector developers, investors and insurers.
Outcome Indicator 3.1:

Increase in no. of hazard maps produced for public and private land use and development planning.

Target: At least 15 hazard-, area-specific map sets will be produced during the project period. • Produced storm hazard maps for the Montego Bay area, Jamaica, disseminated as part of a pilot project report produced in camera-ready format.

• 3 floodplain hazard maps (Hope River, Rio Cobre, Rio Minho) completed and presented at 1995 Floodplain Hazard Mapping Workshop with the Jamaica Hydrological Support Unit, Underground Water Authority.

• Maps produced for Antigua & Barbuda (Parham Harbour coastal flooding), Belize (surge and wind hazards), Dominica (west coast rehabilitation), Hispaniola (national surge and wind hazards).

• Seismic and landslide maps produced in Kingston Multi-Hazard Assessment.

• Regional database of storm hazard information produced, including information and maps of estimated max. surge, wave heights and wind speeds for the entire Caribbean.

• UWI/SRU developed iso-acceleration maps.

• Produced atlases of MEOW maps for the E. Caribbean.


Target far surpassed, with over 150 available in the regional database alone.

Software and capability to produce maps remains in the region with institutions such as CIMH, NRCA, UWI. Database also can be accessed via the CDMP website:

Outcome Ind. 3.2:

Requests for hazard maps and risk analyses from the public sector and from private sector developers, investors and insurers.

Target: At least 3 requests from major user groups in each country where maps are produced and distributed by CDMP.

Baseline: Few requests in the past in light of poor quality of existing maps, high expense of map generation, and low awareness of risk/exposure.

• Availability of maps has been publicized in workshops for municipal officials, planners, meteorologists, disaster managers, bankers, insurers, developers, et al, throughout the region.

• Campeche Emergency Center requested license for use of TAOS model (see Obj. Ind. #2).

Jamaican Town Planning Dept. will use the maps and guidelines to incorporate hazard information into development order revisions.

USAID/Kingston used CDMP-sponsored maps in planning local housing aproject.

Outcome Ind. 3.3:

Number of plans prepared/revised by national disaster office staff using hazard assessment data.

Target: At least 4 national disaster offices will use improved hazard assessment data produced in CDMP pilot activities to revise or prepare new emergency preparedness and response plans. • Installation of CDMP storm modeling system software (TAOS) at Jamaica Office of Disaster Preparedness, and Barbados-based CIMH.

• Installation of TAOS software at Belize Met. Office, Nov. 1995. Presentation of coastal flood hazard assessment data at public/private sector workshop, including simulation of applications for emergency evacuation planning.

• Hurricane Luis provided first opportunity to use TAOS in real-time mode for Antigua, St. Kitts. Possible surge heights communicated by CIMH to Antigua Met. Service; actual surge data collected in Antigua & Barbuda and Dominica.

• CDMP and NOAA hosted a Workshop on Hurricane Preparedness in Miami for national disaster coordinators and meteorological officials from 12 Caribbean countries, CIMH and CDERA.

• Storm Hazard Mapping Workshops were held in 1998-99 to present maps, discuss storm forecasting and use of maps in development and emergency mgmt. planning.

Jamaican ODP is beginning to incorporate the Kingston Multi-Hazard maps in the process of reviewing plans.

Belize used MEOW maps for evacuation decision-making before Hurricane Mitch.

Outcome #4: Increased community awareness of disaster preparedness and mitigation measures.
Outcome Ind. 4.1:

Collaboration of private sector and NGOs to define and carry out appropriate preparedness and mitigation projects.

Target: Mechanisms for effective public, private and NGO collaboration for disaster management will be established in two participating countries in the region, and will meet regularly to make plans, allocate resources.

Baseline: Several prior attempts have failed to develop a permanent mechanism in the D.R. based on participation of NGOs and the private sector.

Dominican Republic:

• Dominican Association for Disaster Mitigation (ADMD) legally recognized by Presidential Decree. New NGO has high degree of private participation and counterpart investment, continues to conduct or facilitate training, promotion, public information activities with public, private and community organizations. The ADMD was the only NGO invited to meetings of the National Emergency Commission.


• Project office established; linkages established; steering committee formed; work plan developed. Conducted general disaster assessment with Ministries of Envir., Interior, Haitian Red Cross and CRS. Established local disaster committees (CMGD) in Jacmel, Jeremie and Les Cayes representing local NGOs, businesses and goverment.

The ADMD has successfully made the transition from an informal committee to a legally constituted NGO, and since 1998 has obtained support from DIPECHO and Plan International to continue its activities.

In Haiti, training was given for the local committees, and vulnerability analyses completed for Jacmel and Jeremie, including recommendations for community mitigation activities. Activities in Haiti have now transitioned to PADF which will continue to build on CDMP efforts.

Outcome Ind. 4.2:

Increased community participation in preparedness exercises/mock drills.

  • ADMD co-financed 736 Community Disaster Preparedness Workshops, reaching as many as 22,080 people in the D.R.

• 8 hurricane simulations were conducted in the D.R. for over 270 representatives of major hotels, free enterprise zones, insurance brokers, businesses and communities.

• CDMP-Haiti held Disaster Response Training Exercises in the three communities for more than 85 participants.

D.R. survey of communities to assess impact of the Community Disaster Prep. Workshops showed most of the Community Initiative activities reduced the impact of flooding due to unusually heavy rains and Hurricane Georges. Level of community participation and impact has built a strong case for continued investment.

CDMP-Haiti coordinator played active role in Min. of Interior meetings regarding Hurricane Georges, as well as advising the 3 local committees. Firefighters in Cap Haitienne say the TFI training was valuable in Hurricane Georges.

Outcome #5: Improved ability of public sector and private property insurers to link premium structure to risk.
Outcome Ind. 5.1:

Companies incorporate specific hazard mapping data and expected building performance criteria in insurance underwriting practices.

Target: At least 5 companies take initiatives in this area. • CDMP sponsored national workshops in Belize, the D.R., Jamaica and the Bahamas and preparation of a document on determination of probable maxixmum loss.

• CIMH made presentation at Workshop on the Need of Met. & Hydro. Data for the Insurance Industry

• CDMP/World Bank paper on catastrophe protection submitted to CARICOM Working Party on Insurance & Reinsurance for inclusion in their study; endorsed by CARICOM Ministers of Finance. World Bank conducted a study on risk pooling as a result of this work.

• United Insurance Co. of Barbados launched a program of reduced premiums for structures incorporating mitigation.

• CDMP collaborated with the Bahamas General Insurance Assn. in a seminar for approx. 100 people, addressing the links between building practices, hazard damages and insurance premiums.

• Jamaican ODP organized a 1-day workshop to present the Kingston Multi-Hazard Assessment results to the insurance industry.

United Insurance Co. initiative is the first in the region. They have developed and distributed manuals on hurricane resistance construction and retrofitting in Barbados, Antigua and St. Lucia, and are coordinating with another insurance company in Antigua.

NRDF obtained a group insurance plan to cover homeowners in their home improvement/retrofit loan program.

Outcome #6: Incorporation of mitigation information in post-disaster reconstruction and recovery planning.
Outcome Ind. 6.1:

Post-disaster field missions include mitigation specialists on teams.

Target: Mitigation specialists will be included on at least 50% of the field missions undertaken in response to natural disasters in the region during the project period. • USAID/OAS CDMP Post-Disaster Mission team, comprised of a US Forest Service landslide specialist and a geotechnical engineering consultant, was dispatched to St. Lucia in 1994 following Tropical Storm Debby.

• CDMP sponsored a storm hazard assessment following Hurricanes Luis and Marilyn in Dominica.

• Consultant’s report on Layou River landslide dam response submitted to Govt. of Dominica.

The St. Lucia landslide hazard assessment recommendations were included in the World Bank reconstruction loan [see Program Result #3].

Following the Layou River assessment, the Govt. Set up committees to address warning, evacuation issues.

CDMP home page: Project Contacts Page Last Updated: 20 April 2001