Coastal Infrastructure Design, Construction and Maintenance Training

Participating Countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada and St. Lucia

This project aimed to reduce the long-term vulnerability of coastal infrastructure in the project countries and in the broader Caribbean region by expanding the capacity for appropriate design, construction and maintenance of coastal infrastructure works, through series of training courses that were designed and implemented under the project. The target audience for the training included public- and private-sector engineers, planners, architects and environmental officials. 
[CDCM Project Background] | [CDCM Issues and Recommendations]

Training Courses: Descriptions, Schedules and Materials
The centerpiece of the project was a series of training courses developed and delivered under the project:
 - Course 1: Coastal Zone Management
 - Course 2: Coastal Defense Systems
 - Course 3: Monitoring and Maintenance of Coastal Infrastructure
 - Course 4: Design of Marine Structures

[CDCM Training Course Page]

Hurricane Hazard Information for Caribbean Coastal Construction
The Hurricane Hazard Information for Caribbean Coastal Construction system is designed to provide storm hazard data useful for practicing engineers, architects, and planners in the Caribbean. Technical documents on storm hazards and storm hazard modeling are also available.
[UWI Hazard Data Server Page] | [Mirror Site]

Needs Assessment:
To provide a baseline for planning the training program, a assessment of existing coastal infrastructure design, construction and maintenance resources, expertise and issues in the Eastern Caribbean was conducted November 2000-January 2001.
Deficiencies of the Caribbean Region in Terms of Coastal Design, Construction and Maintenance: A separate review of CDCM deficiencies in the Caribbean and the challenges facing the development and institutionalization of CDCM training in the region was also undertaken. March 2000.
Solutions to Coastal Disasters Conference Paper: A paper on the CDCM Training project was presented by Jan Vermeiren and Raymond Charles at the ASCE's Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2002 conference.
[CDCM Training Documents Page]

This project is funded by the USAID-Jamaica/Caribbean Regional Program under a special objective for Hurricane Lenny Recovery in the Eastern Caribbean. [USAID/J-CAR Special Objective Document]

USAID/OAS/UWI Coastal Infrastructure Design, Construction and Maintenance Training:

Page last updated on 20 Oct 2003