AG/RES. 1829 (XXXI-O/01)
5 June 2001
Original: Spanish


(Resolution adopted at the third plenary session, held on June 5, 2001;
subject to review by the Style Committee)


CONSIDERING the link between democracy and strengthening of the system for the promotion and protection of human rights, and in view of the progress made by that system in strengthening democracy in the Americas; and

BEARING IN MIND the effectiveness of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man in all OAS member states, and the progress achieved in its application and in that of other inter-American juridical instruments in the area of human rights, which has allowed the Hemisphere and its system for the promotion and protection of human rights to make progress in this field; and

RECALLING the importance for all inhabitants of the Hemisphere to enjoy the benefits of full participation in and access to the inter-American mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights; and


That the General Assembly, through resolution AG/RES. 1701 (XXX-O/00), "Evaluation of the Workings of the Inter-American System for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights with a View to its Improvement and Strengthening," resolved to: "continue to improve and strengthen the inter-American system, through systematic and ongoing dialogue among the states, the organs of the system, and other parties involved, aimed at gradually building consensus on the current status of the system and on the obstacles and deficiencies to be overcome, with a view to guaranteeing the effective exercise and protection of human rights in the Hemisphere"; and

That, through the same resolution, the General Assembly urged the OAS member states to "attach the highest political priority to the universal adoption of the inter-American system through the signature and ratification of, or accession to, by all member states of the Organization, the American Convention on Human Rights and the other inter-American human rights instruments,"


1. To request the Permanent Council, through the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs, to foster an exchange of views regarding the signature, signature and ratification, or ratification of, or accession to, as the case may be, all hemispheric human rights instruments, and to continue to promote the adoption of concrete measures to strengthen and improve the inter-American human rights system, concentrating on universal adoption of the system and on its implementation.

2. To recommend to the Permanent Council that it prepare and convene, prior to the thirty-second regular session of the General Assembly, a specialized technical meeting, with the participation of government experts, other organs of the inter-American system, eminent jurists and experts, and civil society, to study possibilities and actions to be taken to achieve universal adoption of the inter-American human rights system and its implementation.

3. To instruct the Permanent Council to encourage voluntary contributions to the specific fund created through resolution AG/RES. (XXXI-O/01) intended to finance totally or in part the aforementioned technical meeting.

4. To request the Permanent Council to report to the General Assembly at its thirty-second regular session on initiatives taken and progress made in implementing this resolution.