AG/RES. 1827 (XXXI-O/01)
5 June 2001
Original: Spanish



(Resolution adopted at the third plenary session, held on June 5, 2001;
subject to review by the Style Committee)


HAVING SEEN the observations and recommendations of the Permanent Council on the annual report of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (CP/doc-3464/01) and the presentation of that report by the President of the Court, Judge Antonio A. Cançado Trindade (CP/CAJP-1770/01); and


That at the Third Summit of the Americas in Quebec City, in April 2001, the Heads of State and Government decided to continue fostering measures to strengthen and enhance the inter-American system of human rights, in particular an adequate increase in resources allocated to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights;

That Article 54.f of the Charter of the Organization of American States establishes that it is a function of the General Assembly to consider the observations and recommendations presented by the Permanent Council on the reports of the organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization in accordance with Article 91.f of the Charter;

That Article 65 of the American Convention on Human Rights establishes that "To each regular session of the General Assembly…the Court shall submit, for the Assembly's consideration, a report on its work during the previous year. It shall specify, in particular, the cases in which a state has not complied with its judgments, making any pertinent recommendations"; and

That the Inter-American Court of Human Rights presented its annual report to the Permanent Council, which, following a frank, constructive exchange, has forwarded observations and recommendations thereon to the General Assembly,


1. To receive and transmit to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights the observations and recommendations of the OAS Permanent Council on the annual report.

2. To acknowledge with satisfaction that on January 31, 2001, the Government of Peru deposited with the OAS General Secretariat an instrument by which it reaffirmed that the recognition of the contentious jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights issued by Peru on October 20, 1980, was fully in effect and binding in all senses on the Peruvian state, and that the effectiveness of that declaration of recognition should be understood to have been uninterrupted since its deposit with the OAS General Secretariat on January 21, 1981.

3. To note with satisfaction that, during the period covered by this report, the Government of Barbados recognized the binding jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, under the terms set forth in Article 62.1 of the Convention.

4. To reiterate that the judgments of the Court are final and may not be appealed and that the States Parties to the Convention undertake to comply with the rulings of the Court in all cases to which they are party.

5. To urge the member states, in keeping with the Plan of Action of the Third Summit of the Americas, to concentrate on universalization of the inter-American human rights system by increasing the number of accessions to its basic instruments and, in that connection, to urge those member states that have not yet done so to give consideration, as soon as possible and as the case may be, to signing and ratifying, ratifying, or acceding to the American Convention on Human Rights and the other instruments of the system, and to accepting the binding jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

6. To instruct the Permanent Council to promote in the coming fiscal periods an adequate increase in the resources allocated to the Court, given that the promotion and protection of human rights is a fundamental priority of the Organization.

7. To thank the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for its work during the period covered by this report and, in particular, for amending its Rules of Procedure, in keeping with the provisions of resolution AG/RES. 1701 (XXX-O/00).