AG/RES. 1779 (XXXI-O/01)
5 June 2001
Original: Spanish


(Resolution adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 5, 2001;.
subject to review by the Style Committee)


RECOGNIZING once again that the fight against drugs is a joint responsibility, and that due to its transnational nature, a comprehensive and balanced approach within the framework of international cooperation is required in addressing the problem;

CONSIDERING that the establishment and application of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM) as an ongoing governmental process within the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) is a step forward in the direction of strengthening mutual trust and cooperation as the only means to cope with the drug problem in the Hemisphere;

HAVING SEEN the reports of the first round of the MEM conducted by CICAD in 1999-2000 pursuant to the mandate from the Second Summit of the Americas held in Santiago, Chile, which were approved by CICAD at its first special session held in December 2000;

CONSIDERING that the MEM reports were transmitted to the Third Summit of the Americas, which took place in Quebec City, Canada, in April 2001, and that the Heads of State and Government reiterated their commitment to strengthen that instrument to make it the central pillar of effective hemispheric cooperation and the design of effective policies to combat the drug problem in all its manifestations; and

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the important role that CICAD plays in the inter-American effort to fight the drug problem in all its aspects and the great importance of the mandates of the Summits of the Americas,


1. To note with satisfaction the 34 national reports and the hemispheric report of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM), approved at the first special session of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) in December 2000 and presented to the Third Summit of the Americas in fulfillment of the mandate from the Second Summit of the Americas.

2. To recognize the importance of the MEM as a tool for the objective measurement of the efforts made by member states and the Hemisphere as a whole to combat the drug problem and strengthen international cooperation.

3. To endorse the recommendations contained in the national and hemispheric MEM reports and to urge member states to make every effort to implement these recommendations.

4. To instruct CICAD to offer the necessary technical assistance for the effective implementation of all recommendations by member states.

5. To congratulate the governments of the member states for their support and active participation during the first round of the evaluation process in 1999-2000 and to urge them to continue lending firm political backing to and support the funding of the MEM through voluntary contributions with a view to making it permanent.

6. In the context of future sessions of the General Assembly, to strengthen political dialogue at the highest possible level on the region's achievements in the fight against drugs, taking into account the results obtained in the implementation of the MEM and the experiences contributed by the member states.

7. To instruct the Executive Secretariat of CICAD to continue supporting the work of the MEM, in particular with regard to all matters related to conducting the second round of evaluations.

8. To instruct CICAD, through the Permanent Council, to report to the General Assembly at its thirty-second regular session on the implementation of this resolution.