AG/RES. 1778 (XXXI-O/01)
5 June 2001
Original: Spanish


(Resolution adopted at the third plenary session, held on June 5, 2001
subject to review by the Style Committee)


HAVING SEEN the annual report of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) for 2000 (CP/doc.3427/01) and the observations and recommendations of the Permanent Council thereon (AG/doc.3940/01);

REAFFIRMING its commitment to the principles and purposes set forth in the Inter-American Program of Action of Rio de Janeiro Against the Illicit Use and Production of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and Traffic Therein of 1986 and in the Anti-Drug Strategy in the Hemisphere;

RECOGNIZING the important contribution the establishment and implementation of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM) has made towards strengthening hemispheric cooperation to fight the drug problem; and

CONSIDERING the progress that the member states have made in combating drug trafficking and abuse at all levels and the important role that CICAD plays in supporting their efforts,


1. To take note with appreciation of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission's (CICAD) programs and projects to implement the drug control mandates in the plans of action of the Second and Third Summits of the Americas.

2. To request CICAD to examine the advisability of updating the Anti-Drug Strategy in the Hemisphere of 1996 to reflect member states' renewed determination to combat all aspects of the changing problem of drugs in the Hemisphere, taking into consideration the results of implementation of the MEM.

3. To welcome the successful implementation of the first round of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM) and to request that CICAD continue to support the development and strengthening of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism, in particular the execution of the second round, in keeping with the changes made to the evaluation process.

4. To urge CICAD to continue to offer technical cooperation for developing national demand reduction strategies and to seek to strengthen training programs for health professionals, teachers, and social workers on drug use prevention and treatment.

5. To recommend that member states seek to expand and improve their infrastructure for the delivery of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation services and to request CICAD to assist countries, when required, in developing proposals to raise the necessary international cooperation funding.

6. To recommend that member states broaden cooperation to improve the application of the pre-export notification mechanism of controlled chemical substances, to prevent their diversion for illicit use, and to request CICAD to continue to provide the technical assistance needed to facilitate cooperation in this area.

7. To instruct CICAD to continue to implement cooperation projects aimed at preventing and reducing illicit crops in member states by establishing viable, sustainable economic and social development alternatives.

8. To urge member states, permanent observer countries, and international trade institutions to seek to maintain and strengthen trade preference systems that support regional alternative development programs aimed at reducing illicit crops in the region, such as the Andean Trade Preference Act, the Caribbean Basin Initiative, the special provisions of the Generalized System of Preferences of the European Union (EU) for the Andean and Central American countries, and the EU-Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific (Lomé) Agreement.

9. To urge the member states to implement, in their respective laws, the recommendations in the Commission's Model Regulations Concerning Laundering Offenses Connected to Illicit Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Offenses; Model Regulations to Control Chemical Substances Used in the Illicit Production of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances; and Model Regulations for the Control of the International Movement of Firearms, Their Parts and Components, and Ammunition.

10. To request CICAD to continue to support member states, as needed, in establishing units with financial intelligence functions and to expand CICAD/IDB training for law enforcement and court officials who deal with money laundering.

11. To recognize CICAD's contribution, through its institutional strengthening program, to preparing and modernizing national anti-drug plans and strengthening national drug control commissions, particularly in the countries of Central America and the Caribbean.

12. To request CICAD's Inter-American Observatory on Drugs to continue to support the member states in developing national systems for gathering statistical data and documentary information on all aspects of the drug problem.

13. To urge the member states, permanent observers, and international financial institutions to continue to help finance the programs and projects implemented by CICAD in fulfillment of its work plan, in particular its demand reduction and illicit crop prevention and reduction programs.

14. To recommend that member states adopt and strengthen information exchange and international cooperation mechanisms on money laundering, control of chemicals, and legal assistance, including the signature of international agreements.

15. To underscore the importance of collaboration and coordination between the Secretariat of CICAD and the United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP), the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), the OECD Financial Action Task Force (FATF), and other competent international organizations.

16. To thank the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) for its annual report for 2000 (CP/doc.3427/01).

17. To endorse the observations and recommendations of the Permanent Council on CICAD's annual report and transmit them to the Commission.