XXXV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly

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Charter of the Organization of American States  
Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly OEA/Ser.P/I.1 rev. 13
October 18, 2000


Guidelines for the participation of civil society organizations in OAS activities CP/RES. 759 (1217/99)
December 15, 1999
Solidarity with and assistance for the government and people of Venezuela CP/RES. 762 (1218/99)
December 23, 1999
Support for the constitutional government of the Republic of Ecuador CP/RES. 764 (1221/00)
January 26, 2000
Support for the constitutional government of the Republic of Paraguay CP/RES. 770 (1235/00)
May 19, 2000
Dispatch of an OAS mission to Haiti CP/RES. 772 (1247/00)
August 4, 2000
Recommendation of the Permanent Council to states parties on the mechanism for follow-up of implementation of the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption CP/RES. 783 (1260/01)
January 18, 2001
Support for the democratic government of the constitutional President of the Republic of Guatemala, Alfonso Portillo, and for the institutions of the rule of law CP/RES. 784 (1266/01)
February 28, 2001
Support for democracy in Haiti CP/RES. 786 (1267/01)
March 19, 2001
The situation in Haiti CP/RES. 806 (1303/02)
January  16, 2002
Support for the process of dialogue in Venezuela CP/RES. 821 (1329/02)
August 14, 2002
Support for strengthening democracy in Haiti CP/RES. 822 (1331/02)
September 4, 2002
Support for the democratic institutional structure in Venezuela and the facilitation efforts of the OAS Secretary General CP/RES. 833 (1349/02)
December 16, 2002
Condemnation of terrorist acts in Colombia CP/RES. 837 (1354/03)
August 21, 2003
Support for the constitutional government of the Republic of Bolivia CP/RES. 838 (1355/03)
December 16, 2003
Support for the constitutional government of the Republic of Bolivia CP/RES. 849 (1384/03)
October 13, 2003
Support for the constitutional government of the Republic of Bolivia CP/RES. 852 (1387/03)
October 22, 2003
Support to the peace process in Colombia CP/RES. 859 (1397/04)
February 6, 2004
Support for the constitutional government of the Republic of  Peru CP/RES. 860 (1398/04)
February 12, 2004
Support for public order and strengthening democracy in Haiti CP/RES. 861 (1400/04)
February 19, 2004
Situation in Haiti CP/RES. 862 (1401/04)
February 26, 2004


Inter-American Democratic Charter September 11, 2001
Summit of the Americas - Miami
Declaration of Principles
Plan of Action
December 9-11, 1994
Summit of the Americas - Santiago
Declaration of Principles
Plan of Action
April 18-19, 1998
Summit of the Americas - Quebec
Declaration of Principles
Plan of Action
Summit of the Americas - Mexico
Declaration of Nuevo León
Special Conference on Security - Mexico
Declaration on Security in the Americas
October 28, 2003
Consensus of Miami
Declaration by the Experts on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures: Recommendations to the Summit-Mandated Special Conference on Security
February 11, 2003
Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials (CIFTA) November 13, 1997
Declaration of Kingstown on the Security of Small Island States January 15, 2003
Guidelines for the Participation of Civil Society Organizations in OAS Activities December 15, 1999
American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man January 31, 2003
Statutes of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (CEJA) November 15, 1999
Statutes of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM)  
Statutes of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI)  
Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI)  
Statutes of the Inter-American Juridical Committee May 2, 1998
Statutes of the Administrative Tribunal July 6, 1998
Rules of the Administrative Tribunal March 19, 1999
Statutes of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights  
Rules of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights  
Statutes of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights  
Rules of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights  
Rules of Procedure of the Board of External Auditors June 23, 1987
Statutes of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE)  
Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) October 28, 1999
Statutes of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States January 22, 2002
Statutes of the Inter-American Children's Institute March 26, 1999
Measures to Encourage the Timely Payment of Quotas (Spanish version)  
General Standards to Govern the Operations of the General Secretariat  
Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Defense Board (Spanish version) May 16, 2002
Staff Rules of the of the General Secretariat  
Treaty of Tlatelolco
Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean
Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio Treaty) (Spanish version)
- Protocol of Amendments to the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance
- Signatures and Ratifications (Spanish version)
American Treaty on Peaceful Settlement (Pact of Bogotá) (Spanish version) April 30, 1948


Charter of the United Nations  
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Spanish version) May 23, 1969
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Spanish version) July 17, 1998


XXXV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly

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