El Secretario General Adjunto, Albert Ramdin, interviene en la Ceremonia de Clausura de la Conferencia sobre el Caribe.
OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert R. Ramdin talks at the closing ceremony of the Conference on the Caribbean.

Fecha: 21 de junio, 2007
Lugar: Washington, DC
Fotos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OAS
Website OEA: http://www.oas.org

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La Biblioteca Colón de la OEA también mantiene una gran colección de fotografías históricas. Favor vea el siguiente enlace: www.oas.org/columbus/photographs.asp.

This OAS Photo Gallery website contains a limited selection of images. For further information on the use of OAS Photos, and cost of ordering prints, send an e-mail to [email protected]. You may also write the Photographers directly email: [email protected], or [email protected].

The Columbus Memorial Library of the OAS also maintains a large collection of historical photographs. Please see the following link: www.oas.org/columbus/photographs.asp