Honduras Firma Convenio con la Universidad George Washington y la National Geographic Society  
Signing of the Agreement Between the Goverment of Honduras, Minitry of Tourism, Counterpart International, George Washington University and  National Geographic Society Establishing Honduras as the First Country to Adopt a Geotourism Strategy and the Development of the Honduras Scientific– Academia-Voluteer Educational (S.A.V.E.) Tourism Project
Foto de Izquierda
His Excellency, Mr.Ricardo Maduro Joest (Host), President of Honduras
Ambassador Luigi Einaudi, Secretary General Interim to the OAS
Ambassador Salvador Rodezno Fuentes, the Permanent Representative of Honduras to the OAS:

Fecha: 22 de Octubre, 2004
Lugar: Washington, DC
Fotos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA/OAS
Website de la OEA:

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