Media Center

Press Release

OAS General Assembly to Study Resolution for Converting the Americas into Antipersonnel-landmine-free Zone

  May 25, 2011

The 41st General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), to be held June 5 to 7 in San Salvador, will debate the text of a draft resolution approved today by the Permanent Council of the Organization that seeks to set the groundwork for “converting the Americas into the world’s first antipersonnel-landmine-free zone.”

The draft resolution, titled, “The Americas as an Antipersonnel-landmine-free Zone,” also stresses the responsibility of all member states to continue their vital cooperation in mine action as a national, subregional, and regional priority; urge the international donor community to continue its humanitarian support for victim rehabilitation and in ongoing demining activities, as appropriate; reiterate the importance of participation by all member states in the OAS Register of Antipersonnel Land Mines. It was presented today by the delegation of Canada with the joint sponsorship of Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru.

The full text of the draft resolution, to be debated by the supreme decision-making body of the OAS before it is approved in its final version, is available here in Spanish.

A gallery of photos of the event is available here.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-690/11