Press Release                                            

November 5, 2001 




            WASHINGTON, D.C. –As part of its educational reform efforts, the Organization of American States (OAS) will help member states fund 22 national and regional projects with $1.9 million dollars in grants. At a recent meeting at OAS headquarters, the Management Board of the OAS' Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD) approved the financial support for the 2002 projects submitted by the member states. 

The projects reflect the recent focus at the international level on the concept of equity and quality in education. Many of the projects seek to provide access to under served populations (especially people with disabilities), integrate information communication technology into the teaching process, upgrade the quality of teaching at the primary and tertiary level, modernize the curriculum and introduce education assessment models.  

"We were very pleased that 25% of the projects approved this year were in the education area" stated Ron Scheman, Director General of the IACD.  "Education is a priority area for the IACD and we are pleased that our focus is in line with the needs of the Member States. A number of this year's projects focused on the incorporation of information communications technology into the education ministries and the classroom. We support the effort to modernize the education delivery systems and look forward to funding more projects in this area." 

            The IACD was established by the OAS in November 1999 to promote technical cooperation and training programs necessary to accelerate economic development in the countries of the hemisphere.  Its Special Multilateral Fund comprises the voluntary contributions of the OAS Member States.



For further information contact:
Ms. Yacire Cutler
[email protected]