August 8, 2001




The Prime Minister of Jamaica, the Rt. Hon P.J. Patterson, today opened a meeting in Montego Bay, Jamaica, on the treatment of drug addictions in the Americas. The three-day event is co-sponsored by the OAS Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), Jamaica's Ministry of National Security and Justice, and the Jamaican National Council on Drug Abuse.

The IV Meeting of the CICAD Group of Experts in Demand Reduction brings together more than 40 specialists from the member countries of the Organization of American States (OAS), as well as European speakers and observers and representatives of international organizations. The experts will address challenges in drug treatment throughout the Americas, with special emphasis on the Caribbean. They will discuss best practices and new developments in the treatment of addictions to such illegal substances as cocaine, marijuana and opiates, as well as the treatment of alcohol abuse as it relates to illegal drugs.

The experts' goal is to advance understanding of the latest developments in drug treatment, and recommend future steps that governments and non-governmental organizations can take to improve the effectiveness and availability of treatment. Topics under discussion include: Neurofeedback Treatment for Addiction Disorders; New Developments in Drug Treatment; Critical Factors in Successful Treatment Strategies; the Cost-Benefits of Drug Treatment; and Standards of Care in Drug Treatment.

The Group of Experts on Demand Reduction has a mandate from the Inter-American Drug Control Abuse Commission to provide technical expertise, facilitate cooperation among countries, and submit recommendations on implementing portions of the Anti-Drug Strategy in the Hemisphere. 


For more information: http://www.cicad.oas.org/en/Main/main.htm


