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February 15, 2001




The President of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), Indranie Chandarpal of Guyana, today reiterated the need for new strategies and mechanisms to make gender equality a priority in all activities, programs and projects at the hemispheric level.

Opening the first regular session of the Executive Committee 2000-2001 of the specialized agency of the OAS, the president said that in recent years "we have focused our efforts on building a structure for consultation and consensus." She pointed as well to the first ministerial meeting on women's development, and its follow-up mechanisms, the adoption of the inter-American program for the promotion of women's human rights and gender equity, and the establishment of significant links between the CIM, the ministerial meeting, and the summit process.

The Chair of the OAS Permanent Council, Ambassador Esteban Tomic of Chile, said that "one of the great injustices of the world we have left behind with the passing of the millennium" has been a persistent tendency, not only in practical life but in the male consciousness, to relegate women to the background and to downplay their right to participate equally in building a new world.

The Ch ilean diplomat noted, as well, "the Council's determination to cooperate with the CIM in implementing the Inter-American Program, and its commitment to promote the gender focus systematically throughout the OAS, and with governments and civil society."

During its two-day meeting, the Executive Committee of the Inter-American Commission of Women will examine reports from the President and the Executive Secretary of the CIM, and pay special attention to its biennial work program, consistent with the mandates of the 30th Assembly of Delegates. During the meeting it will also consider amendments to the manual of procedures for evaluating projects under the Seed Fund, and will assess follow-up to the Convention of Belem do Para through a regional meeting of experts on violence against women.
