Live on-line chat with Chief of OAS Electoral
Observation Mission to Peru

Eduardo Stein, who heads the OAS Electoral Observation Mission in Peru, was available for a live virtual Q&A session on Thursday, February 8, hosted by the Washington Post. Stein,who is in Lima, Peru, answered questions on-line in both English and Spanish.

Participation was open to all.

Copy  from Washington Post:

Marcela Sanchez: Dr. Stein, thanks a lot for being with us. Peru has elections planned in two months from today. You have a privileged position to compare the situation between Peru’s new elections and the past electoral process. What can you tell us about your first impressions after your return to the country on Monday?

Dr. Stein, mil gracias por acompañarnos. Perú tiene elecciones programas en dos meses. Usted tiene una posición privilegiada para comparar la situación entre las nuevas elecciones del Perú y el pasado proceso electoral. ¿Qué nos puede decir acerca de sus primeras impresiones desde su regreso al país este lunes?

Eduardo Stein: Hemos encontrado obviamente unas circunstancias muy distintas pero con complejidades de otro tipo. Por un lado, hay elementos tecnicos de preparacion que garantizan avances importantes respecto de la anterior eleccion. Por ejemplo el Padron Electoral esta vez cuenta con elementos de depuracion aceptado por todos los partidos politicos y verificados independientemente.
Las dificultades estan mas bien en la falta de credibilidad institucional que tiene la ciudadania como herencia del pasado reciente.

New York, NY: What is the likelihood of postponing the election until May, as recommended by
the head of the Nation Election Processes Office?

Eduardo Stein: There is no legal possibility of postponement. The elections will be held on april 8.

Minneapolis, MN: What effect will the Montesionos scandal have on Peruvian politics?

Eduardo Stein: The "scandal" is unfortunately affecting and almost suffocating the electoral debate because of the enormous weight of successive revelations of wrongdoing that affects many politicians that are currently running for office. On the legal side, justice must advance on the prosecution of crimes as identified through the videos. It is a momentous test of the judicial system that if successful will undoubtedly contribute to restoring the population trust. On the political side, it is a formidable challenge for the electoral bodies.

New York, NY: What role will the legacy of the Fujimori regime play in the upcoming election? [EDITED]

Eduardo Stein: Since the whole governmental apparatus was in effect under the control of the presidency, and it colapsed, the big test is in restoring a true and effective independence of state institutions, and restore the confidence of the voters in the whole electoral process. One of the greatest challenges is in effectively communicating to the general public all of the technical advances in the correct preparation of the elections, and the important positive impact that this will have.

Marcela Sanchez: Is there any risk that Peruvians could be currently too concerned with the past and neglecting the future, particularly considering the crucial upcoming elections?
¿Existe algún riesgo de que los peruanos estén demasiado preocupados actualmente con el pasado y descuidando el futuro, particularmente teniendo en cuenta las cruciales elecciones que se acercan?

Eduardo Stein: Yes. The risk is ythere and it is inevitable. Ten years of centralized control through corruption and repression of the magnitude that is being discovered, represents an overwhelming negative legacy.

Blacksburg, VA: Who are emerging as the leading candidates for the upcoming presidential election and do any of them offer much hope of transforming the corrupt system that Fujimori spent the last decade building?

Eduardo Stein: There are 8 presidential candidates. Precisely the challenge at this momento is for the peruvian voters to know their proposals for reforming the state and promoting development as well as democracy. However it is tha citizenry that produced the initial possitive changes. It is the present transitional government that is starting to lay the groundwork for the necessary transformations. And ultimately, again, the people will be instrumental in advancing those reforms.

Siver Spring, MD: Ms. Berensen has been held for several years as a terrorist and is accused of doing less than Montesinos and Fujimori who are alleged to have sold weaponry to the FARC guerrillas in Colombia. Why won't Peru come 'round on Berenson's spartan imprisoment? Secondly, why lock up Montesino's young daughter for two weeks, isn't her father the one authorities should pursue? Has Peruvian leadership remained as barbaric as that of the Pizarro brothers and Lope de Aguirre? [EDITED]

Eduardo Stein: An OAS observation mission cannot delve into internal matters of the peruvian justice system.

Wash DC: Does the Sendero Luminoso or the MRTA have any effect on politics these days?

Eduardo Stein: Fortunately for the actual peruvian electoral process, there are no concerns regarding former guerrilla movements.

Marcela Sanchez: ¿Cuáles son las lecciones que ha dejado la experiencia peruana para las democracias en el resto de Latinoamérica?
What lessons can Latin American democracies draw from the Peruvian experience?

Eduardo Stein: Perhaps the main "lesson" if thgere is one is that true democracy does not rest only in electoral processes but on the constant effort at addressing the fundamental aspects of participation and developmente in an equitable society. That vigilance must be constant from the part of all sectos of society because advancement of democracy is not a linear process and is not the sole responsibility of the state or of any given government, nor of the international community.

New York, NY: What type of public response do you envision for likely election outcome scenarios?

Eduardo Stein: It is too early to call. The main concern now is that no matter who wins, the outcome will be beyond question.

Marcela Sanchez: Le agradecemos mucho al Dr. Stein por participar en este importante diálogo. Gracias también a todos los participantes por sus preguntas. Nos vemos la próxima semana. We thank you very much Dr. Stein for participating in this important dialogue. Thank you also to all who participated and submited questions. See you next week.