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Press Advisory

December 13, 2000

Fact Sheet

Live transmission


The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), which is meeting to adopt its first evaluations of progress in anti-drug efforts in the Americas, will end its week-long special session on Friday, December 15. The closing session will be open to the media and will be followed by a news conference.

The CICAD reports were developed using the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM), a new tool that uses 61 indicators to measure all aspects of the drug problem. Under the MEM, all 34 active member countries of the Organization of American States (OAS) participate in the evaluation process and all are evaluated.

Activities for Friday, December 15:

Closing session of CICAD
1 p.m., Hall of the Americas

News conference
2 p.m., San Martín Room


Organization of American States
17th St. & Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, D.C.

Simultaneous interpretation (English/Spanish) will be available.

For further information, please contact Janelle Conaway (202-458-6841).

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