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December 21, 2000


Presenting credentials at the Organization of American States today, the new Permanent Representative of Nicaragua, Ambassador Lombardo Martínez Cabezas, reaffirmed his country's full commitment to the hemispheric agenda.


The Ambassador reassured OAS Secretary General César Gaviria that President Arnoldo Alemán's administration was fully committed to the goals and objectives of the OAS. "Nicaragua is very much aware of its roots and draws strength from hemispheric unity--which is already entrenched in our individual consciousness," the Nicaraguan envoy declared.


He noted as well the process of deep transformation taking place in Nicaragua in an effort "to adjust to the demands of the modern world."


The OAS Secretary General, for his part, underscored what he described as "excellent" relations between the OAS and Nicaragua, recalling notable instances of the Organization's work in the Central American country, such as mine-clearing projects. Mr. Gaviria also stressed the OAS' intensified emphasis on helping to bring about peace and hemispheric integration.


Before assuming the appointment as his country's chief envoy to the OAS, Ambassador Martínez held a number of important positions in his country. He was, among others, a deputy in the National Assembly, member of the Foreign Affairs Commission, Minister of Health, doctor and professor of gynecology at the National Autonomous University of León in Nicaragua.
