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February 22, 2000



The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights inaugurated its 106th regular session in Washington today, with a challenge from Organization of American States (OAS) Assistant Secretary General Christopher Thomas for more countries to ratify the American Convention on Human Rights.

According to Ambassador Thomas, 24 of the 34 active OAS member states have ratified the hemispheric convention thus far. Others need to ratify it so that their people can enjoy the human rights protection it affords. He noted that the treaty provides the most comprehensive human rights protection in the hemisphere.

In his opening remarks, Commission Chairman Robert Goldman introduced the four new jurists of the seven-member Commission: Peter Laurie of Barbados; Marta Altolaguirre of Guatemala; Juan Méndez of Argentina; and Julio Prado Vallejo of Ecuador.

The Commission also elected Brazilian jurist Hélio Bicudo as the new chairman.

During the current session, which concludes March 10, the commissioners will hold 41 hearings on a variety of issues, including individual cases and petitions, human rights violation complaints, friendly settlements and planned on-site visits.

OAS Permanent Council Chairman Ambassador James S. Murphy of Belize, applauded the Commission for the vital role it has played since it was established, but warned against complacency in protecting human rights. "It is a testament to our past progress on these issues that we remain ever vigilant in advancing the quality and standards of human rights protection in the Americas," said Murphy.

