1Annually submit to the OAS, a complete inventory of measures confidence- and security (CSBMs), which is conducting each Member State in the Hemisphere.1
2Hold high-level meetings involving the ministries of defense and foreign affairs at the bilateral, subregional, and regional levels in order to provide for frank and direct dialogue on the joint evaluation of various aspects of defense and security and to exchange ideas and views with respect to the objectives of national defense policy, as well as the shared means of addressing common problems in this area.782
3Extend the dissemination and discussion on the CSBMs developed at the hemispheric/sub-regional/bilateral levels to government actors, legislators, academia, university students, civil society and other social actors, and diplomatic and military training institutes/schools.
4Notify especially neighboring countries in advance about the conducting of routine national and joint military operations and exercises and, as each state so determines, allow observers to participate therein.
5Conduct defense visit programs whereby OAS and member state representatives visit defense installations and military academies and observe joint military exercises.9
6Exchange civilian and military personnel for both regular and advanced training.129
7Participate in the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms, including the provision and exchange of information on national production of conventional arms.
8Provide information for the UN Standardized International Reporting of Military Expenditures and exchange this information with OAS member states. Participate in the UN Standardized International Reporting of Military Expenditures and exchange this information with other member states.2
9Develop common standardized methodologies for measuring defense expenditures among neighboring state.
10Develop and exchange defense policy and doctrine papers.
11Exchange information on the functions, procedures, and institutional organization of ministries of defense and security, and related and pertinent institutions.1
12Exchange information on the organization, structure, size, and composition of defense and security forces.
13Consider cooperative activities that develop regional peacekeeping skills and capacity through common training, combined exercises, and exchange of information on peacekeeping.51
14Hold meetings and activities to prevent incidents and increase security for transport by land, sea, and air, and intensify cooperation in increasing security for transport by land, sea, and air in accordance with international law.3
15Expand cooperation and exchange, and develop and establish communication among civilian, military, and police authorities in border regions12
16Consider establishing, as appropriate, mutual confidence or security zones in border areas, in accordance with security, freedom of movement, and economic and commercial development needs of each state.2
17Conduct combined exercises between armed forces and/or public security forces, respectively, in compliance with the legislation of each state.17
30Intensify cooperation and information sharing, within the framework of the UN and the OAS, on security issues, such as terrorism, drug and light arms trafficking, combating piracy, preventing smuggling, the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, search and rescue operations, and the protection of natural resources and archaeological goods.6
18Identify excess stocks of small arms and light weapons, as well as small arms and light weapons held under domestic laws and international agreements to which they are party; define programs for the destruction of said weapons; and invite international representatives to observe their destruction.2
31Exchange information regarding scientific and meteorological research related to natural disasters, develop programs for cooperation during natural disasters or to prevent them, according to the guidelines from the Inter-American Natural Disaster Reduction Committee, based on the requests and authorization of affected states.141
32Establish national points of contact regarding natural disaster response, environmental security, transportation security, and critical infrastructure protection.4
19Enhance multilateral cooperation among member states through the development and application of policies, programs, and activities regarding issues that are identified by the small island states of the Caribbean as concerns, threats, and challenges to their security, and exchange and share information at the bilateral, sub-regional, and regional levels on the special security concerns of small island states to strengthen their capacity to address these concerns, by encouraging the holding of courses, seminars, and studies on mutual confidence- and security-building measures.
20Consider the following actions for early implementation aimed at enhancing the security-building capabilities of the small island states of the Caribbean:
  • Establish a Virtual Private Network to facilitate regional sharing of criminal intelligence and other relevant databases in the fight against terrorism.
  • Share critical information among border control authorities to strengthen border control capacity in the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism.
  • Create joint training programs to allow existing entities to meet new challenges.
  • Engage in joint strategic planning and cooperation in the fight against these common threats.
21Exchange and share experience and ideas on transparency and CSBMs with other regional security fora, such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum (ARF), the African Union (AU), the South American Defense Council, the Conference of Central American Armed Forces (CFAC), and the Regional Security System (RSS).1
33Exchange information related to adopting and adapting provisions under domestic laws that govern processes for obtaining data and information, and exchange experiences involving government, service providers, end users and others, regarding the prevention, management of, and protection against cyber threats, with a view to sustained mutual cooperation to prevent, address, and investigate criminal activities that threaten security and to ensure an open, interoperable, secure and reliable internet, while respecting obligations and commitments under international law and international human rights law in particular
34Provide information on national cybersecurity policies, such as national strategies, white papers, legal frameworks, and other documents that each Member State considers relevant
35Identify a national point of contact at the policy level able to discuss the implications of hemispheric cyber threats. The work of these national points of contact may be distinct from, yet supplement the ongoing work of law enforcement and other technical experts in combating cybercrime and responding to cyber incidents of concern.  The information on these national points of contacts will be updated annually, or as frequently as needed, and shared among the national point of contacts in a transparent and readily accessible format.
22Sign, ratify, and implement the Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons (CITAAC).
23Agree to use internationally developed standards and guidelines for weapons and ammunition management.
24Notify about reduction and disposal of weapons and ammunition.
25Convene meetings of women police and military officers for networking, knowledge exchange and information sharing.
26In joint missions and operations, commit to ensure the deployment of women officers.
27Organize joint sports, cultural endeavors and other social events for military personnel.
28Establish joint peacekeeping units.
29Conduct joint operations for removal of landmines and explosive remnants of war along borders.
36To designate points of contact, in the event that none exist, within the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, with the purpose of facilitating the work on international cooperation and dialogue in cybersecurity and cyberspace.
37Develop and strengthen capacity-building through activities such as seminars, conferences, workshops, among others, for public and private sector officials in cyber diplomacy.
38To foster the inclusion of cybersecurity and cyberspace subjects into training courses for diplomats and officials of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and other government agencies.
39To foster cooperation and exchange of best practices on cyber diplomacy, cybersecurity and cyberspace, through, for example, the establishment of working groups, other dialogue mechanisms, and the signing of agreements among states.
40Provide technical and humanitarian assistance on a bilateral, sub-regional, or regional basis to countries affected by a natural disaster.
41Exchange information between law enforcement agencies on crime, investigations, and prosecutions on a bilateral, sub-regional, or regional basis.