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Sexual exploitation (ICCS 0302)
SEXUAL EXPLOITATION (0302) means “Acts of abuse of a position of vulnerability, power or trust, or use of force or threat of force, for profiting financially, physically, socially or politically from the prostitution or sexual acts of a person”.
INCLUSIONS: Recruiting, enticing or procuring a person into prostitution; pimping; keeping, managing or knowingly financing a brothel; knowingly letting or renting a building or other place for the purpose of the prostitution of others; Child pornography
(030221); Child prostitution (030222); Sexual grooming of children (030223); Other sexual exploitation of children (030229); Other acts of sexual exploitation (03029) not described or classified in previous categories.
EXCLUSIONS: Rape (03011); sexual violence (0301); prostitution offences, pornography offences and other acts against public order sexual standards such as incest and exhibitionism (0802); abuse of function (07033); assaults and threats (0201); slavery and exploitation not amounting to injurious acts of a sexual nature (0203); Trafficking in Persons for sexual exploitation (02041); harassment and stalking (0207); status offences (11021).

[Source: International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS), UNODC, Mar 2015, pp.52-53. Web:]