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Illegal restraint (ICCS 020222)
"ILLEGAL RESTRAINT" (ICCS 020222) is defined as “Unlawful detainment of a person or persons against their will
(including through the use of force; threat; fraud or
enticement), where the person is not transported to a
different location".
INCLUSIONS: Hostage taking; false imprisonment; unlawful deprivation of liberty; unlawful detainment; forced disappearance.
EXCLUSIONS: Abduction of a minor (02021); Trafficking in Persons (0204); illegal adoption (020291); forced marriage (020292); unlawfully detaining a person for the purposes of demanding an illicit gain for their liberation (020221); slavery and exploitation (0203); acts against freedom or control of expression (0803); all acts of a sexual nature (03).

[Source: International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS), UNODC, Mar 2015, p.39. Web:]
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