AG/RES. 1267 (XXIV-O/94)


(Resolution adopted at the ninth plenary session, held on June 10, 1994)


HAVING SEEN the Report of the Permanent Council on Legal Obstacles to Integration (AG/doc.3088/94); and


That integration among the countries of the Hemisphere is one of the objectives of the inter-American system, to which end the OAS Charter provides that the member states shall orient their efforts and take the necessary measures to accelerate the integration process;

That both the "Declaration of Asunci?n" and the "Santiago Commitment to Democracy and the Renewal of the Inter-American System," adopted by the General Assembly at its twentieth and twenty-first regular sessions, respectively, reaffirm that objective and accord it special priority;

That, as stated in resolution AG/RES. 1209 (XXIII-O/93), adopted by the General Assembly in Managua in June 1993, integration is a means of creating new economic and social circumstances to help reduce extreme poverty suffered by broad sectors of the region's population and strengthen democracy in the Hemisphere; and

That the Organization of American States is promoting greater cooperation and linkage among the subregional and regional integration mechanisms and organizations, as well as with other institutions involved in the development of the American nations, and that for this purpose it has been conducting certain legal studies designed to enhance the major efforts being undertaken by those mechanisms, organizations, and institutions,


  1. To note with satisfaction the Report of the Permanent Council on Legal Obstacles to Integration (AG/doc.3088/94).

  2. To recommend to the Permanent Council that it continue with the tasks entrusted to it in resolutions AG/RES. 1104 (XXI- O/91), AG/RES. 1163 (XXII-O/92), and AG/RES. 1209 (XXIII-O/93), and that, within the context of those resolutions, it identify legal areas that might be addressed by concrete projects carried out in cooperation with the regional and subregional integration institutions or with other institutions of the Hemisphere that share that inter-American goal.

  3. Further, to recommend to the Permanent Council that it duly coordinate matters relating to the legal development of integration and activities being carried out by other organs and entities of the Organization in the area of economic integration, such as the Inter-American Juridical Committee and the Special Committee on Trade.

  4. To urge those regional and subregional organizations for integration and institutions working in development in the Hemisphere that have not yet replied to the questionnaire sent to them (CP/doc.2353/93 of March 4, 1993) to do so at this time, so that the meeting referred to in operative paragraph 5 of resolution AG/RES. 1209 (XXIII-O/93) may be held.

  5. To ask the Permanent Council to report to the General Assembly on the implementation of this resolution at its next regular session.

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