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(2010- 2011)  Western Hemisphere Migratory Species Initiative


Financiado por FEMCIDI, el objeto de WHMSI 2010-2011 es construir sobre esfuerzos previos de WHMSI y otras iniciativas de especies migratorias para mejorar significativamente la conservación de especies migratorias compartidas a lo largo de las Americas mediante el fortalecimiento institucional y humano, compromisos intergubernamentales, cooperación internacional, alianzas público-privadas a nivel regional, nacional y local. Con este fin la SG/OEA trabaja en colaboración con cinco ONGs y Agencias Gubernamentales para el desarrollo de actividades regionales de fortalecimiento de capacidades.

Incorporando Adaptación al Cambio Climático en la Conservación de Tortugas Marinas: Fortalecimiento de Capacidades para Planeación e Implementación

Proposal: click here


Coordinado por

World Wildlife Fund Inc. (WWF)


Project Summary:


WWF, en colaboración con el "Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network" (WIDECAST), apoya el fortalecimiento de capacidades para la adaptación al cambio climático is helping to build capacity for climate change adaptation in coastal areas of Latin America and the Caribbean by focusing on habitats used by endangered marine turtles. In November 2010, 15 marine turtle conservation practitioners, marine resource managers, educators and students from 10 countries in the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR), attended a workshop at the 63rd Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Annual Meeting. The three‐day training workshop, hosted by WWF and WIDECAST and funded by CIDI/OAS, provided an opportunity to explore methods for incorporating climate change adaptation into ongoing conservation projects and to share tools for vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning. The workshop included presentation of WWF's Adaptation to Climate Change Toolkit, completed in 2009 as part of the Adaptation to Climate change for marine Turtles (ACT) project.




Click on the Picture to Access the Workshop full report!

The workshop was designed to lead participants through the steps needed to incorporate climate change thinking into their existing management plans and field research projects. For each session, an oral presentation was followed by inclusive discussion or a practical exercise featuring tools that could be used at similar workshops convened by participants with their local partners and other stakeholders. The following section summarizes the main points from each session. For workshop presentations, please see separate folder.


1- Climate change and coastal habitats

2- Incorporating climate adaptation into your work.

3- Vulnerability assessment: ecological mapping exercise

4. selecting and prioritizing adaptation options.

5- Beach monitoring

6- Communicating climate change

7- Planning next steps: participants presentations







(Initiative for the Western Hemisphere Migratory Species) seeks to contribute significantly to the conservation of migratory species in the Western Hemisphere through the strengthening of cooperation and communication between stages, international treaties and civil society organizations.



Coordination Entity for this Initiative.



Coordination Entity Partner for this Initiative.



  • Progress Report / Workshop Report click here

  • Final Report  click here

 WHMSI training projects


        Request for Proposals:





This page was last updated on Thursday July 07, 2011.