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Fighting trafficking in persons




Note from the Permanent Mission of the Argentine Republic forwarding information on the subject of “Hemispheric Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons: Conclusions and Recommendations of the First Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons” AG/RES. 2256 (XXXVI-O/06) and decision 12/06 of the Council of the Common Market CP/CSH-796/06

Measures adopted by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to Implement the Conclusions and Recommendations of the Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons [AG/RES. 2256 (XXXVI-O/06)] CP/CSH-813/06


Draft Resolution Hemispheric Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons:  Second Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons (Presented by the delegation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) CP/CSH-861/07 rev. 1

Note from the Permanent Mission of Belize transmitting the Draft Resolution - Hemispheric Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons: Strengthening Cooperation- CP/CSH-863/07 corr. 1


Hemispheric Glossary on Trafficking in Persons (Presented by the Department for the Prevention of Threats against Public Security) CP/CSH-889/07

Draft Resolution Hemispheric Cooperation Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons and Second Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons (Presented by the delegations of Belize and Venezuela) CP/CSH-892/07 rev. 2

Note from the Delegation of the Argentine Republic submitting the Draft Agenda and Draft Annotated Schedule for the “Second Meeting of National Authorities in the Area of Trafficking in Persons” CP/CSH-1047/08

Note from the Delegation of the Argentine Republic submitting the Draft Agenda and Draft Annotated Schedule for the “Second Meeting of National Authorities in the Area of Trafficking in Persons” CP/CSH/INF-184/09


Draft Resolution “Hemispheric Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons: Conclusions and Recommendations of the Second Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons”(Presented by the Argentine Republic, co-sponsored by the delegations of Ecuador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Uruguay, and approved ad referendum of the delegation of Canada at the meeting of May 5, 2009)  CP/CSH-1087/09 rev. 3


Note from the Permanent Mission of Paraguay containing information on the National Point of Contact on Trafficking in Persons CP/CSH-1109/09


Note from the Permanent Mission of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay forwarding updated information on the National Point of Contact on Trafficking in Persons CP/CSH-1110/09

Draft Work Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere 2010-2012 (Adopted at the meeting held on April 29, 2010, and reviewed at the Third Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons held on October 15 and 16, 2012, in Guatemala City, Guatemala) CP/CSH-1155/09 rev. 11

Note from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela transmitting information on the National Point of Contact on Trafficking in Persons CP/CSH-1163/10


Note from the Permanent Mission of Mexico forwarding information on the National Point of Contact in the Area of Trafficking in Persons CP/CSH-1171/10


Comments by the Delegation of Brazil on the document “Draft Work Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere 2010-2012” (CP/CSH-1155/09 REV. 7) CP/CSH-1212/10


Comments by the Delegation of Argentina on the document “Draft Work Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere 2010-2012” (CP/CSH-1155/09 rev. 8 corr. 1) CP/CSH-1213/10


Draft resolution Work Plan Against Trafficking in Persons in the Hemisphere (Presented by the Argentine delegation and approved at the meeting held on May 18, 2010) CP/CSH-1217/10 rev. 3


Draft resolution Protection and Assistance for Victims of Trafficking in Persons in the Americas (Presented by the delegation of Costa Rica and considered at the meeting held on May 18, 2010) CP/CSH-1228/10 rev. 1


Draft resolution Hemispheric Cooperation Against the Crime of Kidnapping and for Support for Victims (Presented by the delegation of Colombia and cosponsored by the delegation of Costa Rica, and approved at the meeting of May 24, 2010) CP/CSH-1232/10 rev. 3 


Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Organized Crime and Migrant Security Mexico City October 8th, 2010 CP/CSH/INF-240/11


Directorio de las Autoridades Nacionales en Materia de Trata de Personas Directory of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons CP/CSH/INF-241/11


Victim Assistance: Multilateral Cooperation Presented by Jeannette Richardson-Baars MA, Deputy Commissioner (Ag) of Police, Aruba National Police, Chair of the working group for counter-trafficking activities & National Coordinator Anti-Human Trafficking & Smuggling, January 27, 2011 CP/CSH/INF-242/11


Report of Mexico to the Committee on Hemispheric Security in the Framework of the follow-up on the Work Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere 2010-2012 AG/RES. 2551 (XL-O/10) CP/CSH-1275/11


Note from the Permanent Mission of Colombia forwarding the National Point of Contact in the area of Trafficking in Persons CP/CSH-1291/11


General Secretariat Management report: implementation of the Work Plan Against Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere (Presented by the Department of Public Security, Secretariat for Multidimensional Security) CP/CSH-1378/12


Report of the Secretariat for Multidimensional Security pursuant to the Work Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere October 2012-January 2014 CP/CSH/INF-386/14



 First Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons Porlamar, Island Margarita, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela - March 14 to 17, 2006


Report of the Rapporteur RTP/doc.15/06 rev. 1

Conclusions and recommendations RTP/doc.16/06 rev. 1 corr. 1

Second Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons, Buenos Aires - Argentina - March 25 to 27, 2009



  • Lista de Documentos Registrados por la Secretaría hasta el 6 de mayo de 2009 RTP-II/doc.1/09

  • Agenda (Adopted at the first plenary session on March 25, 2009) RTP-II/doc.2/09 rev. 4

  • Annotated Schedule (Presented by the Argentine Republic and adopted at the first plenary session on March 25, 2009) RTP-II/doc.3/09 rev. 4

  • Guest List (Document prepared by the Republic of Argentina and approved at the meetings held on February 26, and March 12 and 19, 2009)  RTP-II/doc.4/09 rev. 5

  • Conclusions and Recommendations of the Second Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons (Adopted on March 27, 2009)  RTP-II/doc.5/09 rev. 10

  • Observations on the “Draft Final Document of the Second Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons” (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) RTP-II/doc.6/09

  • Conclusions and Recommendations of the Civil Society Preparatory Meeting for the Second Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons March 3 and 4, 2009 Washington, D.C. RTP-II/doc.7/09

  • Report of the Rapporteur Second Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons (Presented by Frank Soto, Deputy Attorney General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic) RTP-II/doc.14/09

  • Plenary Sessions and Working Groups (Informative document on meeting Methodology Submitted by the Argentine Republic) RTP-II/INF.1/09

  • Directorio de las Autoridades Nacionales en Materia de Trata de Personas - Directory of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons RTP-II/INF.2/09

  • Hemispheric Glossary Related to Trafficking in Persons RTP-II/INF.3/09

  • U.S. Department of Labor Efforts to Combat Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Human Trafficking in Central America (Presented by the delegation of the United States of America) RTP-II/INF.4/09

  • Presentation by the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees “considerations on the issue of Human Trafficking from the perspective of International Refugee Law and UNHCR’S Mandate” RTP-II/INF.6/09

  • Welcoming Remarks by the Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States to the Second Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons RTP-II/INF.7/09

  • National Statement by the United States of America delivered by Ambassador E. Anthony Wayne RTP-II/INF.8/09

  • Report of Christopher Hernández-Roy, Director, Department of Public Security RTP-II/INF.9/09 corr. 1 add. 1

  • Presentation of the Conclusions and Recommendations of the Civil Society preparatory Meeting for the Second Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons. RTP-II/INF.12/09

  • Speech by Jorge Taiana, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship, at the Opening Ceremony of the Second Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons. RTP-II/INF.15/09

Third Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons, Guatemala City - Guatemala - October 15 to 16, 2012


Link to the web site of documents during the meeting

  • List of Invited Guests (Adopted at the meetings held on September 13 and 27 and October 4, 2012) CP/CSH-1422/12 rev.3

  • Draft agenda (Presented by the Government of Guatemala and approved at the meeting of September 27, 2012)CP/CSH-1424/12 rev. 1

    • Additional requests from Civil Society Organizations to Participate in the Third Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons (Presented by the Department of International Affairs) CP/CSH-1422/12 rev. 1 add. 1

    • Additional requests from Civil Society Organizations to Participate in the Third Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons (Presented by the Department of International Affairs) CP/CSH-1422/12 rev. 1 add. 2


  • Draft Schedule (Presented by the Government of Guatemala and approved at the meeting of the Committee on Hemispheric Security, held on October 4, 2012)  CP/CSH-1432/12 rev. 1

  • Note from the Permanent mission of Guatemala concerning participation in the Third Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons, to be held from October 15-16, 2012 in Guatemala City CP/CSH-1437/12

  • Lista de documentos registrados por la Secretaría hasta el 12 de noviembre de 2012 RTP-III/Doc.1/12

  • Draft Agenda (Presented by the Government of Guatemala and approved at the meeting of the Committee on Hemispheric Security held on September 27, 2012) RTP-III/Doc.2/12

  • Draft Schedule (Presented by the Government of Guatemala and approved at the meeting of the Committee on Hemispheric Security, held on October 4, 2012) RTP-III/Doc.3/12 rev. 1

  • List of Invited Guests (Adopted at the meetings of the Committee on Hemispheric Security held on September 13 and 27 and October 4, 2012) RTP-III/Doc.4/12

  • Directory of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons RTP-III/Doc.5/12 rev. 1

  • Report of the OAS General Secretariat on the status of implementation of the work plan to combat Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere RTP-III/Doc.6/12

  • Conclusions of the Third Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons (Adopted on October 16, 2012) RTP-III/Doc.7/12

  • Participants List RTP-III/Doc.8/12 rev. 3

  • Compendium of contributions by Civil Society Organizations regarding the Fight Against Human Trafficking  RTP-III/Doc.9/12 rev. 1

  • Rapporteur’s report Third Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons (Presented by Sandra Chaves Esquivel, Costa Rica) RTP-III/Doc.10/12 rev. 1

  • Information Bulletin RTP-III/INF.1/12 corr. 1

  • Information documents for items 6 and 7 on the draft agenda RTP-III/INF.2/12

  • Address given by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala, Ambassador Harold Caballeros, at the inaugural session held on October 15, 2012 RTP-III/INF.3/12

  • Remarks by Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin, Assistant Secretary General at the inaugural session held on October 15, 2012 RTP-III/INF.4/12

  • Presentación de informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo contra la Trata de Personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (Costa Rica) RTP-III/INF.5/12

  • Presentación de informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo Contra la Trata de Personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (Nicaragua) RTP-III/INF.6/12

  • Presentación de informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo Contra la Trata de Personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (Argentina) RTP-III/INF.8/12

  • Presentación de informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo contra la Trata de Personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (Honduras) RTP-III/INF.9/12

  • Presentación de informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo contra la Trata de Personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (Uruguay) RTP-III/INF.10/12

  • Presentación de informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo contra la trata de Personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (Paraguay) RTP-III/INF.11/12

  • Presentation of progress reports on implementation of the 2010-2012 work plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere (Canada) RTP-III/INF.12/12

  • Presentación de informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo contra la Trata de Personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (El Salvador) RTP-III/INF.13/12

  • Presentation of Progress reports on implementation of the 2010-2012 Work Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere (Trinidad and Tobago) RTP-III/INF.14/12

  • Presentación de informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo contra la trata de personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (Panamá) RTP-III/INF.15/12

  • Apresentação dos relatórios sobre o andamento da implementação do plano de trabalho contra o Tráfico de Pessoas no Hemisfério Ocidental 2010-2012 (Brasil) RTP-III/INF.16/12

  • Presentación de Informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo contra la Trata de Personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (República Bolivariana de Venezuela) RTP-III/INF.17/12

  • Presentación de Informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo contra la Trata de Personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (Chile) RTP-III/INF.18/12

  • Presentation of Progress reports on implementation of the 2010-2012 Work Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere (United States) RTP-III/INF.19/12

  • Presentation of Progress reports on implementation of the 2010-2012 Work Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere (The Bahamas) RTP-III/INF.20/12

  • Presentación de Informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo contra la Trata de Personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (Ecuador) RTP-III/INF.21/12

  • Presentación de Informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo contra la Trata de Personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (Guatemala) RTP-III/INF.22/12

  • Presentación de Informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo contra la Trata de Personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (República Dominicana) RTP-III/INF.23/12

  • Presentación de Informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo contra la Trata de Personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (México) RTP-III/INF.24/12

  • Acciones de impacto en América Central y México para cumplir con los ejes del protocolo para Prevenir, Reprimir y Sancionar la Trata de Personas, Especialmente Mujeres y Niños [Presentado por Mariana Alegret, Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC)] RTP-III/INF.25/12

  • Acciones de Impacto en América Central y México para cumplir con los ejes del Protocolo para Prevenir, Reprimir y Sancionar la Trata de Personas, Especialmente Mujeres y Niños [Presentado por Agueda Marín, Especialista Regional sobre Trata de Personas y Retorno Voluntario Asistido, Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM)] RTP-III/INF.26/12

  • Actions Generating Impact in Central America and Mexico pursuant to the main provisions of the Protocol to prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children [Presented by Oliver Bush Espinosa, Regional Conference on Migration (RCM)] RTP-III/INF.27/12

  • Acciones de Impacto en América Central y México para cumplir con los ejes del Protocolo para Prevenir, Reprimir y Sancionar la Trata de Personas, Especialmente Mujeres y Niños [Presentado por Paulina Fernández, Instituto Interamericano del Niño, la Niña y Adolescentes (IIN) OEA] RTP-III/INF.28/12

  • Palabras de clausura Pronunciadas por el Embajador Adam Blackwell, Secretario de Seguridad Multidimensional Organización de los Estados Americanos 16 de octubre de 2012 RTP-III/INF.29/12

  • Presentación de Informes sobre los avances alcanzados en la implementación del plan de trabajo contra la Trata de Personas en el Hemisferio Occidental 2010-2012 (Perú) RTP-III/INF.30/12

  • Discurso de clausura por la Licenciada Zulma Subillaga Dubón, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Secretaría contra la Violencia Sexual, Explotación y Trata de Personas RTP-III/INF.31/12


Fourth Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons, Brasilia, Brazil - December 4 to 5, 2014


Link to the Working Group's website





  • Draft agenda (Considered and approved preliminarily by the Committee on Hemispheric Security at its meeting on November 13, 2014 – it is being referred to the first plenary session for consideration and adoption) CP/CSH-1598/14

  • Draft Schedule (Considered and approved on a preliminarily basis by the Committee on Hemispheric Security at its meeting on November 13, 2014 – it is being referred to the first plenary session for consideration and adoption) CP/CSH-1599/14

  • List of Invited Guests (Considered and approved by the Committee on Hemispheric Security at its meeting on November 13, 2014) CP/CSH-1600/14

  • Agenda (Approved at the first plenary session, held on December 4, 2014) RTP-IV/doc.1/14 rev. 1

  • Schedule (Approved at the first plenary session, held on December 4, 2014) RTP-IV/doc.2/14 rev.1

  • List of Invited Guests (Considered and approved by the Committee on Hemispheric Security at its meetings on November 13 and 25, 2014) RTP-IV/doc.3/14 rev. 1

  • Second Work Plan against Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere 2015-2018 (Adopted at the third plenary session, held on December 5, 2014) RTP-IV/doc.4/14 rev. 1

  • Inter-American Declaration against Trafficking in Persons “Declaration of Brasilia” (Adopted at the third plenary session, held on December 5, 2014) RTP-IV/doc.5/14 rev. 1

  • Lista de documentos registrados por la Secretaria hasta el 10 de diciembre de 2014 RTP-IV/doc.6/14 rev. 2

  • Results of the Virtual Consultation Forum with civil society organizations regarding the Work Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere, in preparation for the Fourth Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons (Compendium of contributions compiled by moderator Luciana Campello) RTP-IV/doc.7/14

  • Concept Note (Presented by the Chair - Brazil) RTP-IV/doc.8/14

  • Lista de participantes RTP-IV/doc.9/14 rev. 1

  • Report by the OAS General Secretariat on the level of implementation of the Work Plan against Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere 2012-2014 RTP-IV/doc.10/14

  • Communiqué by the Member countries of the Regional Coalition against Trafficking in Persons and Migrant Smuggling RTP-IV/doc.11/14

  • Rapporteur's Report (Submitted by the Alternate Representative of Chile, Mr. Frank Tressler) RTP-IV/INF. 12/14

  • Information Bulletin RTP-IV/INF. 1/14

  • Notice (Transportation for delegations)  RTP-IV/INF. 2/14

  • Notice (Availability of Meeting documents) RTP-IV/INF. 3/14

  • Palavras de Boas-Vindas do Secretário de Segurança Multidimensional, Embaixador Adam Blackwell, da Secretaria-Geral da Organização dos Estados Americanos durante a sessão de abertura da Quarta Reunião de Autoridades Nacionais em Matéria de Tráfico de Pessoas Brasília, Brasil 4 e 5 de dezembro de 2014 RTP-IV/INF. 4/14 corr. 1

  • Consent and forms of exploitation (Concepts and different definitions) (Presentation by Ms. Marika McAdam, legal consultant to international organizations, Austria) RTP-IV/INF. 5/14

  • Discurso do Secretário Nacional de Justiça, Ministério da Justiça Paulo Abrão Abertura da IV Reunião de Autoridades Nacionais em Matéria de Tráfico de Pessoas RTP-IV/INF. 6/14

  • National mechanisms for coordinating government policies (Internal strategies and good practices) (Presentation by Ms. Fernanda Alves dos Anjos, Department of Justice, Classification, Titles and Qualification, Ministry of Justice, Brazil) RTP-IV/INF. 7/14

  • Assistance to victims under a human rights perspective (Comprehensive support, within national territory and abroad, and reintegration) (Presentation by Prof. John Dussich, Fresno State University, Fresno, California, United States) RTP-IV/INF. 8/14

  • Intervenciones de los Estados Miembros (República Bolivariana de Venezuela) RTP-IV/INF. 9/14

  • Intervenciones de los Estados Miembros (República Dominicana) RTP-IV/INF. 10/14

  • Discurso do Secretário-Geral Político do Ministro das Relações Exteriores, Embaixador Carlos Antônio da Rocha Paranhos Abertura da IV Reunião de Autoridades Nacionais em Matéria de Tráfico de Pessoas RTP-IV/INF. 11/14




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