Working Group to Prepare for the Third Meeting of Ministers of Public Security
of the Americas (MISPA III)
Draft Work Plan (Presented by
the Chair and approved at the meeting held on September 15, 2011)
CSH/GT/MISPA III. 1/11 rev. 1
Draft Agenda (Approved at
the meeting of the Working Group held on October 13, 2011)
CSH/GT/MISPA III. 2/11 rev. 7
Draft Schedule (Presented by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and
considered at the meetings held on September 22 and 29, 2011 and at the
informal meeting held on October 11, 2011)
CSH/GT/MISPA III. 3/11 rev. 6
Draft Rules of Procedure of
the Third Meeting of Ministers responsible for Public Security in the
Americas (MISPA) (Approved at the meeting held on September 15, 2011)
CSH/GT/MISPA III. 4/11 rev. 1
Draft List of Invited Guests
(Approved at the meetings
held on September 22 and October 20, 2011)
CSH/GT/MISPA III. 5/11 rev. 3
Port of Spain recommendations
for police management (Presented by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago
and considered at the meetings held on September 23 and 29 and October 13,
20, and 28, 2011, and at the informal meeting on October 17, 2011)
CSH/GT/MISPA III. 7/11 rev. 6 corr. 1
Draft document on the MISPA
meetings process “Document of Port of Spain” [Can: MISPA
Institutionalization document] [Peru: Rules of Procedures for the MISPA
process] (Presented by the delegation of Mexico and considered at the
meetings on September 22 and October 13, 20, and 28, 2011, and at the
informal meeting held on October 27, 2011)
CSH/GT/MISPA III. 10/11 rev. 3 corr. 1
List of Civil Society
Organizations requesting to participate in the third meeting of Ministers
Responsible of Public Security of the Americas (MISPA III) (Presented by the
Department of International Affairs)
CSH/GT/MISPA III. 16/11 rev. 1
Proposal of Ecuador on the
Preamble to the Document “Port of Spain Recommendations
Strategy] for Police Management”
Report by the Chair of the
Working Group to prepare for the Third Meeting of Ministers Responsible for
Public Security in the Americas
Informative documents
Annotated Draft Agenda
(Presented by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago)
Note from the Permanent
Mission of Argentina conveying its desire to give a presentation in session
III of the schedule for the third meeting of Ministers Responsible for
Public Security in the Americas entitled “Strengthening Police Information
Systems and Better use of Technology”
Note from the Permanent
Mission of United States informing that the Attorney General of the United
States would like to make a presentation during the Discussion on Fostering
Citizen and Community Partnerships during the Third Meeting of Ministers
Responsible for Public Security in the Americas
Note from the Permanent
Mission of Chile requesting the inclusion of a statement by the Minister of
the Interior and Public Security, Mr. Rodrigo Hinzpeter, in session 3:
strengthening police information systems and enhanced use of Technology,
section a), Tools for Cooperation
Note from the Permanent
Mission of El Salvador requesting the inclusion of a statement by the head
of Delegation of El Salvador in session 1.c, Promoting a Human Rights and
Gender Perspective in Police Action
Note from the Permanent
Mission of Colombia reiterating the interest of the Republic of Colombia in
making a presentation on “Mechanisms for Professionalizing the Police:
Education, Specialization, and Training Processes” at the Third Meeting of
Ministers Responsible for Public Security in the Americas
Methodological Guide and
Recommendations to the Inter-Ministerial Dialogue
Order of
28 October 2011
20 October 2011
13 October 2011
29 September 2011
22 September 2011
15 September 2011
25 October 2011
14 October 2011
6 October 2011
Summary of meetings
13 October 2011
29 September 2011
22 September 2011
15 September 2011